1     Scope
 2     References
 3     Abbreviations and acronyms
 4     SCF-SCF relationship
 5     SCF FE model
 6     SCF FSM
        6.1     SCME FSM
                  6.1.1     State transition model for TFC Initiator-related states
                  6.1.2     State transition model for TFC Responder-related states
        6.2     Controlling SCF FSM (SCSM-Con)
                  6.2.1     State 1: "Idle"
                  6.2.2     State 2: "Preparing Handling Information Request"
                  6.2.3     State 3: "Waiting for Bind Result"
                  6.2.4     State 4: "Assisted Mode"
                  6.2.5     State 5: "Preparing Additional Information"
                  6.2.6     State 7: "Preparing SCF Unbind Request"
                  6.2.7     State 8: "Processing SCF Bind"
        6.3     Supporting SCF FSM (SCSM-Sup)
                  6.3.1     State 1: Idle
                  6.3.2     State 2: "Processing SCF Bind"
                  6.3.3     State 3: "Assisting Mode"
                  6.3.4     State 4: "Waiting for Additional Information"
                  6.3.5     State 5: "Waiting for Bind Result"
                  6.3.6     State 6: "Preparing SCF Unbind Request"
        6.4     SCF state transition models for chaining initiation (SCSM-ChI)
                  6.4.1     State 1: "Idle"
                  6.4.2     State 2: "Prepare Chained HIReq'"
                  6.4.3     State 3: "Wait for Bind Result"
                  6.4.4     State 4: "SCF Bound"
        6.5     SCF state transition models for chaining termination (SCSM-ChT)
                  6.5.1     State 1: "Idle"
                  6.5.2     State 2: "Bind Pending"
                  6.5.3     State 3: "SCF Bound"
 7     Detailed operation procedures
        7.1     ActivityTest procedure
                  7.1.1     General description
                  7.1.2     Invoking entity (SCF)
                  7.1.3     Responding entity (controlling SCF or supporting SCF)
        7.2     AnnouncementCompletionReport procedure
                  7.2.1     General description
                  7.2.2     Invoking entity (controlling SCF)
                  7.2.3     Responding entity (supporting SCF)
        7.3     ChainedConfirmedNotificationProvided procedure
                  7.3.1     General description
                  7.3.2     Invoking entity (chaining initiator supporting SCF)
                  7.3.3     Responding entity (chaining terminator supporting SCF)
        7.4     ChainedConfirmedReportChargingInformation procedure
                  7.4.1     General description
                  7.4.2     Invoking entity (chaining initiator supporting SCF)
                  7.4.3     Responding entity (chaining terminator supporting SCF)
        7.5     ChainedEstablishChargingRecord procedure
                  7.5.1     General description
                  7.5.2     Invoking entity (chaining terminator supporting SCF)
                  7.5.3     Responding entity (chaining initiator supporting SCF)
        7.6     ChainedHandlingInformationRequest procedure
                  7.6.1     General description
                  7.6.2     Invoking entity (chaining initiator supporting SCF)
                  7.6.3     Responding entity (chaining terminator supporting SCF)
        7.7     ChainedHandlingInformationResult procedure
                  7.7.1     General description
                  7.7.2     Invoking entity (chaining terminator supporting SCF)
                  7.7.3     Responding entity (chaining initiator supporting SCF)
        7.8     ChainedNetworkCapability procedure
                  7.8.1     General description
                  7.8.2     Invoking entity (chaining terminator supporting SCF)
                  7.8.3     Responding entity (chaining initiator supporting SCF)
        7.9     ChainedNotificationProvided procedure
                  7.9.1     General description
                  7.9.2     Invoking entity (chaining initiator supporting SCF)
                  7.9.3     Responding entity (chaining terminator supporting SCF)
       7.10     ReportChargingInformation procedure
                 7.10.1     General description
                 7.10.2     Invoking entity (chaining initiator supporting SCF)
                 7.10.3     Responding entity (chaining terminator supporting SCF)
       7.11     ChainedProvideUserInformation procedure
                 7.11.1     General description
                 7.11.2     Invoking entity (chaining terminator supporting SCF)
                 7.11.3     Responding entity (chaining initiator supporting SCF)
       7.12     ChainedRequestNotification procedure
                 7.12.1     General description
                 7.12.2     Invoking entity (chaining terminator supporting SCF)
                 7.12.3     Responding entity (chaining initiator supporting SCF)
       7.13     ChainedRunUserScript procedure
                 7.13.1     General description
                 7.13.2     Invoking entity (chaining terminator supporting SCF)
                 7.13.3     Responding entity (chaining initiator supporting SCF)
       7.14     ConfirmedNotificationProvided procedure
                 7.14.1     General description
                 7.14.2     Parameters
                 7.14.3     Invoking entity (controlling SCF)
                 7.14.4     Responding entity (supporting SCF)
       7.15     ConfirmedReportChargingInformation procedure
                 7.15.1     General description
                 7.15.2     Parameters
                 7.15.3     Invoking entity (controlling SCF)
                 7.15.4     Responding entity (supporting SCF)
       7.16     EstablishChargingRecord procedure
                 7.16.1     General description
                 7.16.2     Parameters
                 7.16.3     Invoking entity (supporting SCF)
                 7.16.4     Responding entity (controlling SCF)
       7.17     HandlingInformationRequest procedure
                 7.17.1     General description
                 7.17.2     Parameters
                 7.17.3     Invoking entity (controlling SCF)
                 7.17.4     Responding entity (supporting SCF)
       7.18     HandlingInformationResult procedure
                 7.18.1     General description
                 7.18.2     Parameters
                 7.18.3     Invoking entity (supporting SCF)
                 7.18.4     Responding entity (controlling SCF)
       7.19     InitiateCallRequest procedure
                 7.19.1     General description
                 7.19.2     Invoking entity (supporting SCF)
                 7.19.3     Responding entity (controlling SCF)
       7.20     IN-Unbind procedure
                 7.20.1     General description
                 7.20.2     Invoking entity
                 7.20.3     Responding entity
       7.21     IN-Unbind procedure (in the chaining case)
                 7.21.1     General description
                 7.21.2     Invoking entity (chaining initiator supporting SCF)
                 7.21.3     Responding entity (chaining terminator supporting SCF)
       7.22     NetworkCapability procedure
                 7.22.1     General description
                 7.22.2     Parameters
                 7.22.3     Invoking entity (supporting SCF)
                 7.22.4     Responding entity (controlling SCF)
       7.23     NotificationProvided procedure
                 7.23.1     General description
                 7.23.2     Parameters
                 7.23.3     Invoking entity (controlling SCF)
                 7.23.4     Responding entity (supporting SCF)
       7.24     ProvideAnnouncementRequest procedure
                 7.24.1     General description
                 7.24.2     Parameters
                 7.24.3     Invoking entity (supporting SCF)
                 7.24.4     Responding entity (controlling SCF)
       7.25     ProvideUserInformation procedure
                 7.25.1     General description
                 7.25.2     Parameters
                 7.25.3     Invoking entity (supporting SCF)
                 7.25.4     Responding entity (controlling SCF)
       7.26     ReportChargingInformation procedure
                 7.26.1     General description
                 7.26.2     Parameters
                 7.26.3     Invoking entity (controlling SCF)
                 7.26.4     Responding entity (supporting SCF)
       7.27     RequestNotification procedure
                 7.27.1     General description
                 7.27.2     Parameters
                 7.27.3     Invoking entity (supporting SCF)
                 7.27.4     Responding entity (controlling SCF)
        7.28     RunUserScript procedure
                 7.28.1     General description
                 7.28.2     Parameters
                 7.28.3     Invoking entity (supporting SCF)
                 7.28.4     Responding entity (controlling SCF)
       7.29     SCFBind procedure
                 7.29.1     General description
                 7.29.2     Parameters
                 7.29.3     Invoking entity (Controlling SCF)
                 7.29.4     Responding entity (supporting SCF)
                 7.29.5     Invoking entity (Supporting SCF)
7.29.6 Responding entity (controlling SCF)
       7.30     SCFBind procedure (in the chaining case)
                 7.30.1     General description
                 7.30.2     Parameters
                 7.30.3     Invoking entity (chaining initiator supporting SCF)
                 7.30.4     Responding entity (chaining terminator supporting SCF)
       7.31     TFCBind procedure
                 7.31.1     General description
                 7.31.2     Parameters
                 7.31.3     Invoking entity
                 7.31.4     Responding entity (responding SCF)
       7.32     TrafficFlowControl procedure
                 7.32.1     General description
                 7.32.2     Parameters
                 7.32.3     Invoking entity (Initiating SCF)
                 7.32.4     Responding entity (Responding SCF)
       7.33     TransferSTSI procedure
                 7.33.1     General description
                 7.33.2     Parameters
                 7.33.3     Invoking entity (controlling SCF)
                 7.33.4     Invoking entity (supporting SCF)
                 7.33.5     Responding entity (supporting SCF)
                 7.33.6     Responding entity (controlling SCF)
       7.34     Operation timer values
 8     Parameters
        8.1     AccountNumber
        8.2     AckSequence
        8.3     Actions
        8.4     ActiveSupplementaryServices
        8.5     AgreementID
        8.6     BearerCapabilities
        8.7     BearerCapability
        8.8     CalledPartyNumber
        8.9     CallingPartyBusinessGroupID
       8.10     CallingPartysCategory
       8.11     CallingPartyNumber
       8.12     CallRecord
       8.13     Carrier
       8.14     CauseOfLastCallFailure
       8.15     ChargingParameters
       8.16     Constraints
       8.17     ConsumedCreditAction
       8.18     Container
       8.19     ControlType
       8.20     CounterValues
       8.21     CorrelationID
       8.22     Credentials
       8.23     DialledDigits
       8.24     Duration
       8.25     ErrorInfo
       8.26     Extensions
       8.27     HighLayerCompatibilities
       8.28     HighLayerCompatibility
       8.29     InfoToSend
       8.30     InvokedSupplementaryService
       8.31     LocationNumber
       8.32     Notification
       8.33     NotificationInformation
       8.34     NumberOfAllowedRetries
       8.35     NumberOfCallAttempts
       8.36     OriginalCalledPartyID
       8.37     OriginatingScf
       8.38     OriginatingScfAddress
       8.39     PartyID
       8.40     PreferredLanguage
       8.41     RedirectionInformation
       8.42     RedirectingPartyID
       8.43     RemainingUserCredit
       8.44     ReportAddress
       8.45     ReportCondition
       8.46     ReportExpected
       8.47     RequestedType
       8.48     ResetOfTransmisttedCounters
       8.49     RespondingScfAddress
       8.50     RoutingAddress
       8.51     SecurityParameters
       8.52     ScfAuthenticationLevel
       8.53     ScfID
       8.54     Splitcharge
       8.55     SrfAddress
       8.56     SSIInfo
       8.57     SupplementaryServices
       8.58     Target
       8.59     Timelimit
       8.60     TfcCriteria
       8.61     TraceInformation
       8.62     TypeOfRequestedInfo
       8.63     UltimateResponder
       8.64     UniqueCallID
       8.65     UserCredit
       8.66     UserInformation
       8.67     UserInteractionModes
       8.68     UserToConnect
       8.69     WasChained
 9     Error procedures
        9.1     ChainingRefused
                  9.1.1     Procedures at the invoking entity (SCF)
                  9.1.2     Procedures at the responding entity (SCF)
        9.2     ImproperCallerResponse
                  9.2.1     Procedures at invoking entity (SCF)
                  9.2.2     Procedures at the responding entity (SCF)
        9.3     MissingCustomerRecord
                  9.3.1     Procedures at invoking entity (SCF)
                  9.3.2     Procedures at the responding entity (SCF)
        9.4     MissingParameter
                  9.4.1     Procedures at the invoking entity (SCF)
                  9.4.2     Procedures at the responding entity (SCF)
        9.5     ParameterOutOfRange
                  9.5.1     Procedures at the invoking entity (SCF)
                  9.5.2     Procedures at responding entity (SCF)
        9.6     ScfReferral
                  9.6.1     Procedures at invoking entity (controlling SCF or supporting chaining initiator SCF)
                  9.6.2     Procedures at the responding entity (SCF)
        9.7     Security
                  9.7.1     Procedures at the invoking entity (SCF)
                  9.7.2     Procedures at the responding entity (SCF)
        9.8     SystemFailure
                  9.8.1     Procedures at the invoking entity (SCF)
                  9.8.2     Procedures at the responding entity (SCF)
        9.9     UnexpectedComponentSequence
                  9.9.1     Procedures at the invoking entity (SCF)
                  9.9.2     Procedures at the responding entity (SCF)
       9.10     UnexpectedDataValue
                 9.10.1     Procedures at the invoking entity (SCF)
                 9.10.2     Procedures at the responding entity (SCF)
       9.11     UnexpectedParameter
                 9.11.1     Procedures at the invoking entity (SCF)
                 9.11.2     Procedures at the responding entity (SCF)
       9.12     ScfBindFailure
                 9.12.1     Controlling SCF ® Supporting SCF
                 9.12.2     Chaining Initiator Supporting SCF ® Terminator Supporting SCF
       9.13     ScfTaskRefused
                 9.13.1     Procedures at the invoking entity (SCF)
                 9.13.2     Procedures at the responding entity (SCF)
       9.14     TFCBindError
10     Services assumed from TCAP
       10.1     Normal procedures
       10.2     Abnormal procedures
       10.3     Dialogue handling
                 10.3.1     Dialogue establishment
                 10.3.2     Dialogue continuation
                 10.3.3     Dialogue termination
                 10.3.4     User abort
                 10.3.5     Provider abort
                 10.3.6     Mapping to TC dialogue primitives
                 10.3.7     SCSM-related messages
                 10.3.8     SCME-related messages
       10.4     Component handling
                 10.4.1     Procedures for INAP Operations
                 10.4.2     Mapping to TC Component Parameters
Annex A – ASN.1 definitions