ITU-T Rec. Q.1238.1 (06/2000) - Interface Recommendation for intelligent network capability set 3: Common aspects Summary Source Keywords FOREWORD CONTENTS Interface Recommendation for intelligent network capability set 3: Common aspects 1 Scope 2 References 3 Abbreviations and Acronyms 4 Scope of IN Distributed Functional Plane for capability set 3 4.1 End user access 4.2 Call related service invocation and control 4.3 End user interaction 4.4 IN service management functionality 4.5 Call Party Handling 4.6 Internetworking 4.7 Security 4.8 Out-Channel User Interaction 4.9 Call unrelated service invocation and control 4.10 Feature Interactions 4.11 Distributed Functional Model 4.12 Communication model 5 FE Models 5.1 Call Control Function/Service Switching Function (CCF/SSF) models 5.2 Specialized Resource Function (SRF) models 5.3 Service Control Function (SCF) models 5.4 Service Data Function (SDF) models 5.5 Call Control Function/Call Unrelated Service Function (CCF/CUSF) models 5.6 Service Management Function (SMF) models 6 Use of FE relationships 6.1 SCF-SSF relationship 6.2 SCF-SCF relationship 6.3 SCF-IAF relationship 6.4 SRF-CCF relationship 6.5 SRF-SCF relationship 6.6 SCF-SDF relationship 6.7 SDF-SDF relationship 6.8 CUSF-SCF relationship 6.9 CUSF-SSF relationship 6.10 SMF-SCF relationship 6.11 SMF-SDF relationship 6.12 SMF-CCF/SSF relationship 6.13 SMF-SRF relationship 6.14 SMF-SMAF relationship 6.15 SMF-SCEF relationship 6.16 SMF-SMF relationship 6.17 SMF-CCF/CUSF relationship 7 Protocol realization 7.1 Overview 7.2 Application contexts 7.3 Abstract syntax and transfer syntax 7.4 SACF/MACF rules 8 Congestion control 8.1 Lower layer flow control 8.2 Application level flow control 9 Protocol mechanisms 9.1 Compatibility mechanisms and extensibility rules 9.2 IN generic interface security 10 Services assumed from lower layers 10.1 Services assumed from TCAP 10.2 Services assumed from SCCP 11 Error Definitions 11.1 AttributeError 11.2 Cancelled 11.3 CancelFailed 11.4 ChainingRefused 11.5 DirectoryBindError 11.6 DSAReferral 11.7 ETCFailed 11.8 ExecutionError 11.9 ImproperCallerResponse 11.10 MissingCustomerRecord 11.11 MissingParameter 11.12 NameError 11.13 ParameterOutOfRange 11.14 Referral 11.15 RequestedInfoError 11.16 ScfBindFailure 11.17 ScfReferral 11.18 ScfTaskRefused 11.19 SecurityError 11.20 ServiceError 11.21 ShadowError 11.22 SystemFailure 11.23 TaskRefused 11.24 TfcBindError 11.25 UnavailableResource 11.26 UnexpectedComponentSequence 11.27 UnexpectedDataValue 11.28 UnexpectedParameter 11.29 UnknownLegID 11.30 UnknownResource 11.31 UpdateError 12 ASN.1 - Common Definitions ANNEX A - List of non-backward compatible changes between IN CS-2 and IN CS-3 A.1 InitiateAssociation operation has changed to a class 1 operation A.2 Tag modification in the argument of the MoveCallSegments operation A.3 Removal of the LegID parameter in the RequestedUTSI datatype A.4 New transition to "Stable call" CSCVS (Stable-2-Party, Stable-1-Party)