Table of Contents

 1     Scope          
 2     References
 3     Definitions
        3.1     Terms defined elsewhere       
        3.2     Terms defined in this Recommendation           
 4     Abbreviations and acronyms             
 5     Conventions            
 6     How to use this Recommendation  
 7     Techniques for capturing real-world noise environments     
        7.1     Monaural recording  
        7.2     Stereo recording         
        7.3     Binaural recording     
        7.4     Sound field recording
        7.5     Multi-point sound field recording        
        7.6     Recording format       
        7.7     Calibration of recording instrumentation         
 8     Environments for reproducing artificial noise fields 
        8.1     Loudspeaker configurations  
        8.2     Loudspeaker calibration and equalization        
        8.3     Reproducing artificial noise fields in a simulation set-up            
 9     Techniques for synthetizing noise fields       
        9.1     Equalization procedure            
        9.2     Recommended set-ups           
10     Techniques for assessing artificial noise fields          
       10.1     Assessment based on spectral content            
       10.2     Assessment based on spatial coherence         
       10.3     Assessment of uniformity     
11     Documentation of measurements in artificial noise fields   
Annex A – Loudspeaker performance    
Appendix I – Requirements for test environments    
Appendix II – Loudspeaker configurations and decoding of loudspeaker signals    
Appendix III – Spatial sound field stability    
      III.1     Reproduction of monophonic signals in anechoic conditions     
      III.2     Reproduction of monophonic signals in treated rooms
      III.3     Reproduction of stereophonic signals in anechoic conditions   
      III.4     Reproduction of stereophonic signals in treated rooms              
      III.5     Reproduction of binaural signals in anechoic conditions             
      III.6     Reproduction of binaural signals in treated rooms        
      III.7     Reproduction of sound field signals in anechoic conditions        
      III.8     Reproduction of sound field signals in treated rooms   
      III.9     Reproduction of multi-point signals in anechoic conditions and treated rooms 
Appendix IV – Spatial reproduction stability    
       IV.1     Spatial reproduction accuracy of monophonic signals under anechoic conditions           
       IV.2     Spatial reproduction accuracy of monophonic signals in treated rooms              
       IV.3     Spatial Reproduction Accuracy of stereophonic signals in anechoic conditions 
       IV.4     Spatial Reproduction Accuracy of stereophonic signals in treated rooms           
       IV.5     Spatial Reproduction Accuracy of binaural signals in anechoic conditions          
       IV.6     Spatial Reproduction Accuracy of binaural signals in treated rooms     
       IV.7     Spatial reproduction accuracy sound field signals in anechoic conditions           
       IV.8     Spatial reproduction accuracy of sound field signals in treated rooms 
       IV.9     Spatial reproduction accuracy of multi-point reproduction      
Appendix V – Detailed description of the overall equalization procedure for a HATS    