Table of Contents

 1     Scope          
 2     References
 3     Definitions
        3.1     Terms defined elsewhere       
        3.2     Terms defined in this Recommendation           
 4     Abbreviations and acronyms             
 5     Conventions            
 6     Overview  
 7     Specification and classification rules for IL-AITOM   
        7.1     Specification of IL-AITOM       
        7.2     Classification rules for IL-AITOM         
 8     Object and evaluation result of IL-AITOM    
        8.1     Evaluated objects       
        8.2     Intelligence level evaluation result of an evaluated object        
 9     Mechanism of automatic evaluation for IL-AITOM   
Appendix I – A use case on intelligence level of energy-saving management    
Appendix II – A use case on intelligence level of wilderness areas factories    
Appendix III – Gap analysis between this Recommendation and other  telecommunication standards    