Rec. ITU-T L.1470 (01/2020) Greenhouse gas emissions trajectories for the information and communication technology sector compatible with the UNFCCC Paris Agreement
Table of Contents
1 Scope
2 References
3 Definitions
     3.1 Terms defined elsewhere
     3.2 Terms defined in this Recommendation
4 Abbreviations and acronyms
5 Conventions
6 Prerequisites
     6.1 The ICT sector boundary conditions
     6.2 The scope concept
     6.3 The emission factor for grid electricity
7 Baseline
     7.1 Baseline year
     7.2 Baseline for ICT sector and sub-sector energy consumption and GHG emissions
8 Selection of a global emissions scenario for 1.5(C
9 Normative reference trajectories for 1.5(C scenario
     9.1 Trajectory in line with the average reduction of the IPCC P2 scenario
     9.2 Trajectory in line with the average linear reduction 1.5(C scenario of the SBT initiative
     9.3 The electricity budget approach
10 Exploration of the possibility for the ICT sector and sub-sector trajectories to stay within the normative 1.5(C trajectory
     10.1 Conditions of the sub-sectors
          10.1.1 Mobile networks
          10.1.2 Fixed networks
          10.1.3 Data centre
          10.1.4 User equipment
          10.1.5 Enterprise networks
     10.2 Trajectories including electricity supply chain and grid losses (perspective A)
          10.2.1 Global ICT sector trajectory (perspective A)
          10.2.2 Sub-sector trajectories (perspective A)
      Mobile network
      Fixed networks
      Data centres
      User equipment
      Enterprise networks
     10.3 Trajectories for the SBT initiative (perspective B)
          10.3.1 Global ICT sector trajectory (perspective B)
      Mobile networks
      Fixed networks
      Data centres
      User equipment
      Enterprise networks
     10.4 Comparison of the SBT initiative trajectory with normative limits
11 Opportunities and risks for the ICT sector to attain the 1.5(C trajectory
     11.1 Introduction
     11.2 Opportunities – strategies to decarbonize the ICT sector until 2030
     11.3 Risks
Annex A  Analysis of ICT sector and sub-sectors trajectories
Appendix I  Introduction to the Science-Based Targets initiative framework
     I.1 Applying the SDA to ICT
     I.2 Initial boundary conditions
     I.3 Establishing an ICT sub-sector pathway
     I.4 Absolute versus SDA
     I.5 Power sector carbon emission intensity
          I.5.1 Compatibility with scope 2 GHGP reporting
Appendix II  Opportunities for the ICT sector to help decarbonize other sectors
Appendix III  Baseline values – Energy consumption and carbon footprints
     III.1 Summary
     III.2 Description
          III.2.1 Emission factors
          III.2.2 Mobile networks
               III.2.2.1 Operation
               III.2.2.2 Embodied
          III.2.3 Fixed networks
               III.2.3.1 Operation
               III.2.3.2 Embodied
          III.2.4 Data centres
               III.2.4.1 Operation
               III.2.4.2 Embodied
               III.2.4.3 Overhead
          III.2.5 User devices
               III.2.5.1 Categories
               III.2.5.2 Calculation
               III.2.5.3 Data sources
          III.2.6 Enterprise networks
     III.3 Main data sources (in addition to academic papers)
          III.3.1 Summary
          III.3.2 Directly reported data used for detailed allocation between different network parts:
          III.3.3 Complementary data sources [b-Malmodin 2018b]
Appendix IV  ICT sector trajectories for 1.5(C
     IV.1 Step 1: ICT´s own development
          IV.1.1 Mobile networks
          IV.1.2 Fixed networks
          IV.1.3 Data centre
          IV.1.4 Enterprise networks
          IV.1.5 End-user goods
     IV.2 Step 2: ICT and grid development
          IV.2.1 ICT sector and sub-sector trajectories
          IV.2.2 Trajectory details
     IV.3 Step 3: ICT and grid development plus additional purchase of renewables
Appendix V  The importance of renewables
     V.1 The global energy and electricity situation – some confirmation of IEA and other statistics
     V.2 ICT footprints