Rec. ITU-T L.1015 (01/2019) - Criteria for evaluation of the environmental impact of mobile phones
Table of Contents
1 Scope
2 References
3 Definitions
     3.1 Terms defined elsewhere
     3.2 Terms defined in this Recommendation
4 Abbreviations and acronyms
5 Conventions
6 Eco criteria
     6.1 Materials
          6.1.1 Material restrictions
          6.1.2 Compliance with the EU REACH Regulation
          6.1.3 Low halogen electronics
          6.1.4 Restrictions of DEHP, DBP, BBP and DIBP
          6.1.5 Recycled and bio-based plastic content
          6.1.6 Problematic compounds
     6.2 Energy use requirements
     6.3 Substance restrictions in the mobile phone's battery
     6.4 End-of-life management
          6.4.1 Producers' responsibility at end of life of the mobile phone
          6.4.2 Durability and reliability of the mobile phone
          6.4.3 Upgradeability of the mobile phone
          6.4.4 Repair of the mobile phone
          6.4.5 Take-back programme
          6.4.6 Recycled content
     6.5 Packaging and printed material
          6.5.1 Restriction of heavy metal in packaging
          6.5.2 Sustainably sourced fibre packaging and printed content
          6.5.3 Recycled content
          6.5.4 Single-use plastic packaging
          6.5.5 Product packaging minimization
          6.5.6 Packaging material
          6.5.7 Plastic packaging marking
          6.5.8 Printing inks
          6.5.9 Manuals
     6.6 Corporate practices
          6.6.1 Corporate sustainability reporting
     6.7 Manufacturing and operations
          6.7.1 Manufacturing facilities environmental management systems
          6.7.2 Reduction of fluorinated greenhouse gas emissions from LCD display manufacturing
          6.7.3 Chemicals not used as cleaning solvent during manufacturing
          6.7.4 Conflict minerals
          6.7.5 Life cycle assessment (LCA)
          6.7.6 Functionalities
7 Transboundary movements of used and end-of-life mobile phones
Appendix I  Simplified life cycle assessments
     I.1 Functional unit
     I.2 Pre-final assembly: Raw material acquisition and part production – Final assembly
     I.3 Distribution
     I.4 Use
     I.5 End-of-life treatment (EoLT)
Appendix II  Transboundary movement of used and waste mobile phones