
This Recommendation:

•            provides recommendations for bonding and earthing of telecommunication equipment in residential and commercial customer premises;

•            refers to ITU-T Rec. K.21 for equipment resistibility requirements;

•            recommends earthing and bonding requirements to coordinate with the resistibility requirements of ITU-T Rec. K.21 and the safety requirements of IEC 60950-1;

•            recommends the installation practices for bonding of all services and the installation of SPDs;

•            illustrates problems associated with earthing and bonding and provides solutions for these earthing and bonding problems. These include:

1)   methods to improve the earthing and bonding;

2)   methods of providing additional protection external to the equipment;

3)   special resistibility and safety requirements;

•            recommends responsibilities for protection at customer premises;

•            refers to draft IEC 62305-3 for protection against direct lightning.