Rec. ITU-T K.143 (11/2019) Guidance on safety relating to the use of surge protective devices and surge protective components in telecommunication terminal equipment
Table of Contents
1 Scope
2 References
3 Definitions
     3.1 Terms defined elsewhere
     3.2 Terms defined in this Recommendation
4 Abbreviations and acronyms
5 Conventions
6 Conditions of telecommunication installations and overvoltages to be considered for safety requirement
     6.1 Power, telecommunication and bonding lines connected to SPDs and equipment
          6.1.1 Customer building
          6.1.2 Access network installations
     6.2 Causes of electrical human hazards
          6.2.1 Mains voltage
          6.2.2 Lightning surge
          6.2.3 Power frequency induction from power transmission line
     6.3 Hazards relating to accessible parts on installations and equipment
          6.3.1 Accessible parts in a telecommunication system and its installations
          6.3.2 Impacts on safety of contact points and current path
7 Safety requirements relating to SPD in telecommunication equipment
     7.1 SPD bridging telecommunication line and earthing
     7.2 SPD bridging mains and earthing
     7.3 SPD bridging between primary circuit and telecommunication line
     7.4 Coordination between SPDs
Annex A  Transmission of TOV