
This Recommendation "Distribution of digital multi-programme signals for television, sound and data services through SMATV networks" covers the definition of the framing structure, channel coding and modulation for digital multi-programme signals for television, sound and data services received from a satellite system and distributed in a transparent way through Satellite Master Antenna Television (SMATV) networks.

This Recommendation defines the required network architecture for SMATV systems and is closely related to ITU‑R BO.1211 (applicable to the satellite path) and to ITU‑T J.83 (applicable to the cable path).

This Recommendation has four Annexes (A, B, C and D) that provide the specifications for the digital television SMATV systems submitted to the ITU‑T. This reflects the fact that standardization of digital SMATV television systems is being addressed for the first time by the ITU‑T and that a number of systems had been developed and provisionally implemented when this standardization effort was undertaken by the ITU.

This Recommendation recommends that those implementing new digital multi‑programme services on existing and future SMATV networks should use one of the systems whose framing structure, channel coding and modulation are specified in Annexes A, B, C and D.