1     Scope
 2     Normative References
 3     Definitions
 4     Abbreviations
 5     Conventions
 6     General Description
 7     Services provided by the SSCF-COTS
 8     Functions of the SSCF-COTS
 9     Elements for layer-to-layer communication
        9.1     Primitives between SSCF-COTS and SCF
                  9.1.1     Definition of primitives
                  9.1.2     Parameter definition
        9.2     Signals between SSCF-COTS and SSCF-COTS Layer Management
                  9.2.1     Signal definition
                  9.2.2     Parameter definition
                  9.2.3     States at the boundary between SSCF-COTS and Layer Management
        9.3     Signals between SSCF-COTS and SSCOP
                  9.3.1     Definition of signals
                  9.3.2     Parameter definition
        9.4     State transition diagram for sequences of signals at the layer boundaries of SSCF-COTS
10     Protocol elements for peer-to-peer communication
       10.1     SSCF-COTS PDUs
                 10.1.1     SSCF-COTS PDUs utilizing the unassured data transfer
                 10.1.2     SSCF-COTS PDUs utilizing the assured data transfer
                 10.1.3     SSCF-COTS PDUs utilizing data transfer capabilities in SSCOP connection control services
       10.2     SSCF-COTS PDU formats
                 10.2.1     Coding conventions
                 10.2.2     PDU length
       10.3     SSCF-COTS PDU fields
       10.4     SSCF-COTS state variables
                 10.4.1     Transmitter state variables
                 10.4.2     Receiver state variables
                 10.4.3     Common state variables
       10.5     SSCF-COTS timers
       10.6     SSCF-COTS protocol parameter
11     Specification of the SSCF-COTS
       11.1     Overview
                 11.1.1     Idle
                 11.1.2     Establishment and release
                 11.1.3     Data transfer
       11.2     State transition table
       11.3     SDL diagrams

Annex A – Management error indications
Annex B – Default values for SSCOP parameters and timers
Annex C – Expedited Data Transfer service
        C.1     Protocol elements for peer-to-peer communication
                  C.1.1     SSCF-COTS PDUs
                  C.1.2     SSCF-COTS PDU formats
                  C.1.3     SSCF-COTS PDU parameter fields
                  C.1.4     Additional states of the SSCF-COTS protocol entity
                  C.1.5     Additional SSCF-COTS state variables
                  C.1.6     SSCF-COTS timers
        C.2     Specification of the Expedited Data service procedure
Annex D – Quality of Service parameter negotiation
        D.1     Parameters and their negotiation for the “Empty” QOS set
        D.2     Parameters and their negotiation for the “Standard CONS” QOS set
                  D.2.1     QOS Parameters at the SSCF-COTS/SSCF-COTS user boundary
                  D.2.2     Negotiation of QOS Parameters
Annex E – Supplementary specification for the SCF (Recommendation Q.923)
        E.1     Adaptation of the primitive names to the Transport Service
                  E.1.1     Introduction
                  E.1.2     Abbreviations
                  E.1.3     Interpretation
                  E.1.4     X.214 type of service
                  E.1.5     Summary of the Sub-N-Service primitives at the N(c)C endpoint
                  E.1.6     Deletion of the Reset service
                  E.1.7     State transition table
        E.2     Selection of predicates
        E.3     Mapping of the C-plane Sub-N-Service
Appendix I – T(u)-primitive sequences at the UNI for connection establishment and release within the U-plane and their relationship to AA-signals and SSCOP PDU sequences
Appendix II – Further considerations for the default values for the SSCOP parameters and timers
       II.1     Definitions
       II.2     Goal
       II.3     Frame size
       II.4     Qualitative Analysis
                 II.4.1     Assumptions
                 II.4.2     Timing in the absence of errors
                 II.4.3     Timing for single corrupted data frame correction
                 II.4.4     Timing for single corrupted POLL or STAT PDU
                 II.4.5     Multiple errors
       II.5     Conclusion