
Recommendation ITU-T H.862.7 specifies an open, interoperable application programming interface (API) for smart sleep management devices and sleep services. In order to provide an individual with optimal sleep, data collection, analysis, and customized services on individual sleep are required. For this, interoperability between sleep management devices and services based on the Internet of things must be secured. Interoperability of services covered by Recommendation ITU-T H.862.7 includes interoperability of data and interoperability at the API level.

Sleep occupies a third of our lives, and helps to relieve the physical and mental fatigue experienced during the day. Therefore, it is possible to obtain an improvement effect that can enhance quality of life based on the understanding of sleep time and quality through sleep monitoring.

With the growth of the sleep market, various sleep monitoring products combined with information and communication technology have been launched, mainly composed of dedicated applications and sensors. The use of products composed of such dedicated software for each sensor is a major limitation in service operation. This is due to difficulties of integration with existing service data and sharing data with other services when changing the product or using it with other services.