
Recommendation ITU-T H.753 defines the metadata element and format for content distribution over an Internet protocol television (IPTV) terminal device and describes metadata management functions of scene-based metadata (SBM), which basically support the IPTV multimedia application frameworks that feature in the ITU-T H.760 series of Recommendations.

Scene-based metadata is based on ITU-T IPTV functional architecture and terminal devices defined in the ITU-T H.720-series and on services defined in Recommendation ITU-T H.750.

Recommendation ITU-T H.753 also describes the web-based functions for scene-based metadata service and the scene-based service workflow.

Corrigendum 1 replaces the definition and abbreviation used for the term "scene-on-demand", to avoid misunderstandings about the original abbreviation if read as an English word.