
The ITU-T H.741.x series of Recommendations defines a foundational platform for audience measurement (AM) of IPTV services. They focus on the interface between terminal devices and an audience measurement aggregation function.

The AM platform integrates a method for end users to report personal information, and is designed to easily add time-shifted and interactive services, and non-terminal device measurement points. While the ITU-T H.741.x series allows the implementation of audience measurement for IPTV services, its mechanism may be equally applicable to non-IPTV services.

The design philosophy in the ITU-T H.741.x series is focused on scalability, minimizing the use of resources, security, flexibility to support a variety of service provider deployments, and rich privacy support to meet emerging regulations and legislation.

This Recommendation, ITU-T H741.1, specifies the operations of AM, including procedures prior to configuration of terminals, configuration of terminals, reporting by terminals, security mechanisms, and recovery from abnormal situations. The informative appendices discuss discovery metadata, implementation considerations, examples, permission levels, vendor considerations, alternative privacy schemes, and discuss capabilities and profiles.