Table of Contents

 1     Scope          
 2     References
 3     Definitions 
        3.1     Terms defined elsewhere        
        3.2     Terms defined in this Recommendation            
 4     Abbreviations and acronyms             
 5     Conventions             
        5.1     General            
        5.2     Terminology relationships related to grouping
        5.3     Terminology relationships related to the semantic of "stream"               
 6     ITU-T H.248.1 defined stream grouping, aggregation and multiplexing           
        6.1     ReserveGroup attribute           
        6.2     Stream multiplexing using transport address information          
 7     Further issues with existing ITU-T H.248 stream grouping mechanisms          
        7.1     Scope of Signals/Events and Statistics 
        7.2     Scope of Topology       
 8     Media Grouping package    
        8.1     Properties       
        8.2     Events              
        8.3     Signals              
        8.4     Statistics          
        8.5     Error codes     
        8.6     Procedures     
Annex A  Codepoints for parameter Semantics of ITU-T H.248 property Group Semantics     
        A.1     Introduction and purpose       
        A.2     IETF defined codepoints          
        A.3     ITU-T defined codepoints        
Appendix I  Cascading of aggregation and deaggregation streams    
        I.1     General             
        I.2     Deaggregation to deaggregation            
        I.3     Deaggregation to aggregation 
        I.4     Aggregation to deaggregation 
        I.5     Aggregation to aggregation      
Appendix II  Potential stream grouping use cases    
       II.1     Use case #1: alternate speech-text telephony