Supplement 7 to ITU-T J-series Recommendations (04/2021) Embedded common interface (ECI) for exchangeable CA/DRM solutions; Guidelines for the implementation of ECI
Table of Contents
1 Scope
2 References
3 Definitions
     3.1 Terms defined elsewhere
     3.2 Terms defined in this Supplement
4 Abbreviations and acronyms
5 Conventions
6 Guidelines for the implementation of an ECI compliant CPE
     6.1 Introduction
     6.2 The relevance of the ECI Implementation Guidelines for ECI Eco-Systems
     6.3 Performance requirements for ECI Clients and ECI Hosts
          6.3.1 Introduction
          6.3.2 Execution time
          6.3.3 NV file storage
          6.3.4 Minimum storage resources provided by the ECI Host for storage of an ECI Client
          6.3.5 Minimum storage resources provided by the ECI Host to an ECI Client for data storage
          6.3.6 Resources for storage of Root Certificate
          6.3.7 Minimum repetition rate for acquisition of different DVB SI tables
          6.3.8 Performance requirements for Responsiveness Monitoring
          6.3.9 Performance requirements for the ECI system software update policies
          6.3.10 Performance requirements for the TCP server
          6.3.11 Performance requirements for the HTTP(S) server
          6.3.12 Performance requirements for timers
          6.3.13 Performance requirements for power management
          6.3.14 Buffering requirements for the reqEncrTsData Message
          6.3.15 Timing requirements for the reqEncrTsEcm Message
          6.3.16 Timing requirements for the reqEncrMsgRecv Message
          6.3.17 Buffering requirements for the reqParAuthCid Message
          6.3.18 Timing requirements for the reqParAuthChk and the reqParAuthDel Message
          6.3.19 Constraints for the ECI Application container directory structure and files
          6.3.20 Constraints for the ECI Application container size
          6.3.21 Maximum time to cancel a Media Handle Session
     6.4 Parameters required for the operation of ECI Clients and ECI Hosts in an ECI Ecosystem
          6.4.1 Introduction
          6.4.2 Identifiers for clients of content protection systems that an ECI Client or ECI Host needs to communicate with
     6.5 Performance requirements for the ECI Virtual Machine
          6.5.1 Introduction
          6.5.2 Isolation of individual ECI Clients
          6.5.3 VM System Resources
     6.6 Performance requirements for the Advanced Security System
          6.6.1 Introduction
          6.6.2 Discrepancy between encryption parameters and imported Content Properties
          6.6.3 Time constraints for the performance of symmetrical cryptography functions
          6.6.4 Time constraints for the performance of asymmetrical cryptography functions
          6.6.5 Content property change timing interface convention
7 Use cases and scenarios associated with an ECI Ecosystem
     7.1 Introduction
     7.2 Management of protected content
          7.2.1 Introduction
          7.2.2 Local storage of content within a CPE (PVR)
          7.2.3 Replacement of a CPE by a new CPE
          7.2.4 Export from primary CPE to secondary ECI compliant CPE
          7.2.5 Export from primary CPE to secondary non-ECI compliant CPE
     7.3 Implementation of a Secure Authenticated Channel (SAC) between two ECI Clients
     7.4 Mechanism for future update or extension of API messages
     7.5 Mechanism for future extension of content properties
     7.6 Watermarking
     7.7 Update mechanism for RL
     7.8 Uninstallation of an ECI Client
Appendix I  General VM computing performance
     I.1 Performance values