1     Scope
 2     References
 3     Terms and definitions
        3.1     Definitions
        3.2     Terms defined in other Recommendations
 4     Abbreviations
 5     Applications
        5.1     System types
        5.2     System components
 6     Type of transmission medium
 7     Overall design features
        7.1     System design and optical parameters
        7.2     Transverse compatibility (Recommendation G.957)
        7.3     Joint engineering
        7.4     Pattern dependence testing
 8     Transmission overheads
        8.1     Regenerator section model
        8.2     Regenerator model and functionality
        8.3     Regenerator interfaces
 9     General characteristics of synchronous optical line systems
        9.1     Synchronization and timing signal
        9.2     Regenerator timing
        9.3     Jitter performance
        9.4     Error performance
        9.5     Availability and reliability
        9.6     Environmental conditions
        9.7     Laser safety
10     Operational overview
       10.1     Overview
       10.2     General management functions
       10.3     Fault (maintenance) management
       10.4     Performance management
       10.5     TMN interfaces
       10.6     Orderwire
Appendix  I  –  Implementation of the CID immunity measurement
Appendix  II  –  Description of automatic laser shutdown (ALS) capability in case of cable break