1     Scope
 2     References
 3     Terms and definitions
 4     Abbreviations
 5     OTN management functions
        5.1     Network management architecture
                  5.1.1     Relationship between OMN, OMSN and TMN
                  5.1.2     Relationship between technology domains
                  5.1.3     Access to the OMSN
                  5.1.4     OMSN requirements
                  5.1.5     OMSN data communications network
                  5.1.6     Network layer protocol
                  5.1.7     Physical and data link layers and protocols
                  5.1.8     DCN management
                  5.1.9     Remote log-in
        5.2     Equipment management function
                  5.2.1     Information flows over management points
 6     Date and time
        6.1     Date and time applications and requirements
                  6.1.1     Time stamping
                  6.1.2     Real time clock alignment with external time reference
                  6.1.3     Performance monitoring clock signals
                  6.1.4     Activity scheduling
        6.2     Date and time functions
                  6.2.1     Real time clock function
                  6.2.2     Performance monitoring clock function
 7     Fault management
        7.1     Fault management applications
                  7.1.1     Supervision
                  7.1.2     Validation
                  7.1.3     Severity
                  7.1.4     Alarm report control
                  7.1.5     Reportable failures
                  7.1.6     Alarm reporting
                  7.1.7     Testing
        7.2     Fault management functions
                  7.2.1     Fault cause persistency function – PRS
                  7.2.2     Severity assignment function – SEV
                  7.2.3     Alarm report control function ARC
                  7.2.4     Reportable failure function – REP
                  7.2.5     Unit alarm function – UNA
                  7.2.6     Network alarm function – NAF
                  7.2.7     Station alarm function – STA
                  7.2.8     TMN event pre-processing function – TEP
                  7.2.9     Alarm synchronization function – ASY
                 7.2.10     Logging function – LOG
                 7.2.11    TMN alarm event notification function – TAN
                 7.2.12     Current problem list function – CPL
                 7.2.13     Alarm status function – AST
                 7.2.14     Operational state function – OPS
 8     Configuration management
        8.1     Configuration management applications
                  8.1.1     Equipment
                  8.1.2     Software
                  8.1.3     Protection switching
                  8.1.4     Trace identifier
                  8.1.5     Payload structures
                  8.1.6     Multiplex structures
                  8.1.7     Matrix connections
                  8.1.8     DEG thresholds
                  8.1.9     EXC thresholds
                 8.1.10     Port Mode and TP Mode
                 8.1.11     XXX_Reported
                 8.1.12     Alarm severity
                 8.1.13     Alarm report control
                 8.1.14     PM thresholds
                 8.1.15     TCM activation
        8.2     Configuration management functions
                  8.2.1     Equipment
                  8.2.2     Software
                  8.2.3     Protection switching
                  8.2.4     Trace identifier processes
                  8.2.5     Payload structures
                  8.2.6     Multiplex structures
                  8.2.7     Matrix connections
                  8.2.8     DEG thresholds
                  8.2.9     EXC thresholds
                 8.2.10     Port Mode and TP Mode
                 8.2.11     XXX_Reported
                 8.2.12     Alarm severity
                 8.2.13     Alarm reporting control
                 8.2.14     PM thresholds
                 8.2.15     TCM activations
 9     Account management
10     Performance management
       10.1     Performance management applications
                 10.1.1     Concepts of "near-end" and "far-end"
                 10.1.2     Maintenance
                 10.1.3     Bringing into service
                 10.1.4     Quality of service
                 10.1.5     Availability
                 10.1.6     Reporting
                 10.1.7     Thresholding
       10.2     Performance management functions
                 10.2.1     Near-end performance monitoring event function
                 10.2.2     Far-end performance monitoring event function
                 10.2.3     Delay function
                 10.2.4     Unidirectional availability filter function
                 10.2.5     Bidirectional availability filter function
                 10.2.6     Consecutive severely errored second function
                 10.2.7     Begin/End of unavailable time event generation function
                 10.2.8     Current 15-minute counter register function
                 10.2.9     Current 15-minute snapshot register function
                10.2.10     Current 15-minute tidemark register function
                10.2.11     Recent 15-minute register functions
                10.2.12     Current 24-hour counter register function
                10.2.13     Current 24-hour snapshot register function
                10.2.14     Current 24-hour tidemark register function
                10.2.15     Recent 24-hour register functions
                10.2.16     Transient condition threshold function
                10.2.17     Standing condition threshold function
                10.2.18     Out of range function for gauge overflow detection
                10.2.19     Out of range function for underflow detection
11     Security management
Appendix I - Management termination points
        I.1        State management
        I.2        Location of TPs inside an ONE
        I.3        Definitions of ONE termination points
Appendix II - OTN maintenance signal descriptions
Appendix III - Management information for CM
Appendix IV - Management information for PM