1     Scope 
 2     References
 3     Terms and definitions   
 4     Abbreviations and acronyms    
 5     Conventions   
 6     Assumptions  
 7     Overview and applications      
        7.1     CR-LDP overview        
        7.2     Support for basic call identifier  
        7.3     CR-LDP at UNI reference point 
        7.4     CR-LDP at I-NNI reference point        
        7.5     CR-LDP at E-NNI reference point       
        7.6     CR-LDP support for SPC        
        7.7     Defect handling   
 8     GMPLS CR-LDP messages     
        8.1     Call Setup message        
        8.2     Call Release message      
        8.3     Label Request message   
        8.4     Label Mapping message  
        8.5     Initialization message     
        8.6     Hello message     
        8.7     KeepAlive message       
        8.8     Label Release message    
        8.9     Label Withdraw message 
       8.10     Label Abort message     
       8.11     Notification message     
       8.12     Query, Query Reply, and Partial Query reply messages        
 9     GMPLS CR-LDP attributes    
        9.1     Source Id TLV    
        9.2     Dest Id TLV      
        9.3     ER TLV
        9.4     Call Id TLV       
        9.5     Call Capability TLV      
        9.6     Generalized Label Request TLV 
        9.7     Generalized Label TLV   
        9.8     Upstream Label TLV     
        9.9     Acceptable Label TLV   
       9.10     Label Set TLV   
       9.11     Suggested Label Set TLV
       9.12     Admin Status TLV       
       9.13     Contract Id TLV 
       9.14     UNI Service TLV
       9.15     Feedback TLV   
       9.16     Local Connection Id TLV        
       9.17     Protection TLV  
       9.18     Diversity TLV   
       9.19     Status TLV       
       9.20     Interface TLV    
10     Call and connection control procedures using CR-LDP        
       10.1     CR-LDP discovery and session initialization   
       10.2     Call setup using CR-LDP        
       10.3     Call Release using CR-LDP      
       10.4     Connection setup using CR-LDP        
       10.5     Connection modification using CR-LDP
       10.6     Connection release using CR-LDP       
       10.7     Feedback using CR-LDP
       10.8     Failure detection and recovery in CR-LDP      
11     Error sequences
Annex A – Technology-specific terminology updates    
Annex B – TLV code points    
Annex C – Label scope     
        C.1     Scope of the label
        C.2     A label association function      
Appendix I – Mapping of messages    
        I.1       Mapping of UNI messages      
        I.2       Mapping of E-NNI messages   
Appendix II – Mapping of attributes    
       II.1     Mapping of UNI attributes       
       II.2     Mapping of E-NNI attributes    
Appendix III – Feedback list TLV