1     Scope 
 2     References 
 3     Terms and definitions       
 4     Abbreviations and acronyms        
 5     Characteristics of VEDs   
        5.1     General  
        5.2     Acoustic echo control (AEC)         
        5.3     Noise reduction (NR)        
        5.4     Tandem free operation (TFO)        
        5.5     Interworking functions (IWF)         
 6     Test signals
        6.1     General  
        6.2     Measuring input and output signal levels      
        6.3     Gaussian white noise          
 7     Tests   
        7.1     Overall VED tests  
        7.2     Noise reduction tests         
        7.3     Acoustic echo control tests
Appendix I – Information on the function and location of VEDs in mobile networks     
        I.1        VED functionality 
        I.2        VED location       
        I.3        CTM operation    
Appendix II – Objective measures for the characterization of the basic functioning of noise reduction algorithms     
       II.1     Introduction           
       II.2     Notations
       II.3     Test signals
       II.4     Objective measures for characterization of NR algorithm effect        
       II.5     Recommendation values for SNRI, TNLR and DSN
Appendix III – Properties of level measurement devices     
      III.1     Introduction           
      III.2     Measurement of signal level
      III.3     Transition time for measurement device with exponential averaging  
      III.4     Transition time for RMS measurement device         
      III.5     Comparing the levels of two signals (exponential averaging) 
      III.6     Comparing the levels of two signals (RMS method)
      III.7     Artificial speech signal in noise        
      III.8     Conclusions           
Appendix IV – One-octave filters for the AEC comfort noise test     
       IV.1     Introduction          
       IV.2     IIR realization       
       IV.3     FIR realization      