1     Introduction
 2     Definition
 3     References and terminology
        3.1     References
        3.2     Terminology
 4     Description
        4.1     General description
        4.2     Functional model
        4.3     Configuration
        4.4     Roles of the participants
        4.5     Terminal aspects
        4.6     Applications
        4.7     Supplementary services
 5     Static aspects
        5.1     Service level
                  5.1.1     General aspects of the service
                  5.1.2     Quality of service
                  5.1.3     Security aspects
                  5.1.4     General charging principles
        5.2     Communication task level
                  5.2.1     Communication tasks used for the service
                  5.2.2     Quality of service
        5.3     Media component level
                  5.3.1     Media components used for the service
                  5.3.2     Quality of service
 6     Dynamic aspects
        6.1     Activation phase
                  6.1.1     Provision, withdrawal
                  6.1.2     Call establishment
                  6.1.3     Reservation
                  6.1.4     On demand
        6.2     Communication phase
                  6.2.1     Call set-up
                  6.2.2     Addition of another party during the call
                  6.2.3     Conference splitting
                  6.2.4     Change of communication mode
                  6.2.5     Call prolongation in the case of reservation
                  6.2.6     Terminal disconnection
                  6.2.7     Conference management procedures
        6.3     Termination phase
                  6.3.1     Call termination
 7     Service profiles
        7.1     Different types of multimedia conference services
        7.2     List of service profiles
 8     Interworking and intercommunication
        8.1     General
        8.2     Interworking/intercommunication between two terminals
                  8.2.1     Different types of audiographic conference terminals
                  8.2.2     Audiographic conference and videoconference terminals
                  8.2.3     Different types of videoconference terminals
                  8.2.4     CDH and other types of terminals
        8.3     Interworking/intercommunication between several terminals
                  8.3.1     Different types of multimedia conference terminals
                  8.3.2     Videophone and other multimedia conference terminals, multimedia conference and videophone terminals
                  8.3.3     Addition of a telephone terminal
                  8.3.4     Communication with a facsimile terminal
Annex A – Multipoint Conference Units (MCUs)
        A.1     General
        A.2     Call control functions
        A.3     Conference control functions
        A.4     Handling the various media components
        A.5     Distributed MCU functions
        A.6     Ports and interfaces
        A.7     Interworking/intercommunication
Appendix I – Control of multiple windows
        I.1     General
        I.2     Starting, stopping and organizing multiple windowing
        I.3     Selection of the windows’ contents