1     Scope 
 2     References 
 3     Definitions  
 4     Abbreviations and acronyms        
 5     Conventions     
 6     Methodology for identification of QoS criteria and parameters      
        6.1     General considerations       
        6.2     Identification of user's QoS criteria 
        6.3     Conversion of QoS criteria to QoS parameters      
        6.4     Publication of QoS parameters       
        6.5     Practical issues when using QoS parameters           
 7     Measurement of QoS parameters 
        7.1     Objective measurements    
        7.2     Subjective measurements   
        7.3     Who should perform the measurements      
 8     Guidelines for defining quality objectives   
        8.1     General considerations       
        8.2     Defining initial quality objectives     
        8.3     Defining target values         
        8.4     Tuning quality objectives    
        8.5     Verification of QoS objectives       
Appendix I – References for the development of QoS metrics and examples of QoS parameters     
        I.1        Examples of QoS parameters       
        I.2        Development of QoS metrics       
Appendix II – Quality objectives     
       II.1     Voice telephony and voiceband services     
       II.2     Services over packet-based networks        
Appendix III – Examples for the usage of the three models     
      III.1     Universal model     
      III.2     Performance model
      III.3     Four-market model