Table of Contents

 1     Scope          
 2     References
 3     Definitions 
        3.1     Terms defined elsewhere        
        3.2     Terms defined in this Recommendation            
 4     Abbreviation and acronyms               
 5     Conventions             
 6     Background and concept     
        6.1     Background    
        6.2     Concept of an IP message-based service          
        6.3     Concept of IP voice-based service        
 7     Requirements for disaster message board service  
        7.1     Message registration function
        7.2     Uploading function     
        7.3     Searching and displaying function         
        7.4     Notification delivery function (recommended)              
        7.5     Deletion function         
        7.6     Language requirements            
        7.7     Supplementary function: Auto-registration of self-safety information
 8     Requirements for a disaster voice message delivery service               
        8.1     Registration function  
        8.2     Upload function (required)     
        8.3     Confirmation of registration at a calling server (required)          
        8.4     Interoperator usage function (recommended)              
        8.5     Notification of received voice at a called server (required)        
        8.6     Receiving and reproducing a voice message    