Supplement 1  Dispute management guidelines
Supplement 1  Dispute management guidelines
 1     Scope
 2     References
 3     Definitions
 4     Abbreviations and acronyms
 5     What is a dispute management?
 6     Dispute resolution process
        6.1     Criteria
        6.2     Analyse dispute or discrepancy1
                  6.2.1     Determine validity of dispute or discrepancy1
                  6.2.2      Determine root cause(s) of dispute or discrepancy1
        6.3     Disputes relating to poor reference data maintenance
                  6.3.1     Rate discrepancy
                  6.3.2     Destination or dial code discrepancy
        6.4     Disputes relating to transactional data
                  6.4.1     Recovery rate shortfall
                  6.4.2     Volume discrepancy1
        6.5     CDR exchange and comparison1
        6.6     Unresolved disputes
 7     Possible technical causes resulting in disputes
 8     Dispute process flowchart