1     Introduction
        1.1     Purpose
        1.2     Background
        1.3     Organization of the Guide
        1.4     References
                  1.4.1     ITU-T references
                  1.4.2     ISO/IEC references
        1.5     Definitions
                  1.5.1     ITU-T definitions
                  1.5.2     ISO/IEC JTC 1 definitions
                  1.5.3     ITU-T and JTC 1 cooperation definitions
        1.6     Abbreviations
                  1.6.1     ITU-T abbreviations
                  1.6.2     ISO/IEC abbreviations
                  1.6.3     ITU-T and JTC 1 cooperation abbreviations
 2     Organizational structures
 3     Organization procedures
        3.1     ITU-T procedures
                  3.1.1     Traditional Approval Process (TAP)
                  3.1.2     Alternative Approval Process (AAP)
        3.2     JTC 1 procedures
 4     Modes of cooperation
        4.1     Introduction
        4.2     Liaison mode
        4.3     Collaboration mode
        4.4     Determining the mode of cooperation
        4.5     Termination of collaboration and/or common text publication
 5     Planning and scheduling
        5.1     Scheduling of SG/WP and SC/WG meetings
        5.2     Work program coordination
        5.3     Synchronized maintenance of cooperative work
 6     Liaison procedures
        6.1     General
        6.2     Liaison representation
        6.3     Liaison contributions
 7     Collaboration using Collaborative Interchange
        7.1     Collaborative relationship
        7.2     Participation in working level meetings
        7.3     Scheduling
        7.4     Contributions
        7.5     Editor for common text
        7.6     Achieving consensus
        7.7     Progress reporting
        7.8     Liaisons
        7.9     Synchronized approval process
       7.10     Publication
       7.11     Defects
                 7.11.1     Defect Review Groups
                 7.11.2     Submission of Defect Reports
                 7.11.3     Procedures for resolving defects
       7.12     Amendments
 8     Collaboration using a Collaborative Team
        8.1     Collaborative Team
        8.2     Convenor(s) and Editor(s)
        8.3     Participants
        8.4     Meetings
        8.5     Contributions
        8.6     Achieving consensus
                  8.6.1     Development of draft text
                  8.6.2     Editing drafts
                  8.6.3     Resolution of ballots and comments
        8.7     Progress reporting
        8.8     Liaisons
        8.9     Synchronized approval process
       8.10     Publication
       8.11     Defects
                 8.11.1     Defect Review Group
                 8.11.2     Submission of Defect Reports
                 8.11.3     Procedures for resolving defects
       8.12     Amendments
 9     Recognition of cooperation
10     Applying the Patent Policy of ITU-T and ISO/IEC
Appendix I – Defect report  form
Appendix II – Rules for presentation of ITU-T | ISO/IEC common text