Policy on Intellectual Property Right (IPR)
 1     Terminology and definitions
        1.1     Spurious emission (RR Article 1, No. 1.145)
                  1.1.1     Harmonic emissions
                  1.1.2     Parasitic emissions
                  1.1.3     Intermodulation products
                  1.1.4     Frequency conversion products
                  1.1.5     Broadband and narrow-band emission with respect to the measurement apparatus
        1.2     Out-of-band emission (RR Article 1, No. 1.144)
        1.3     Unwanted emissions (RR Article 1, No. 1.146)
     1.3bis     Out-of-band domain
     1.3ter     Spurious domain2
        1.4     Necessary bandwidth (RR Article 1, No. 1.152)
        1.5     Active state of a transmitter
        1.6     Idle or standby state of a transmitter
 2     Application of limits
 3     Limits of spurious domain emissions
 4     Tables of emission limits
        4.1     Recommended reference bandwidths
        4.2     Category A limits
        4.3     Category B limits
        4.4     Category C limits
        4.5     Category D limits
        4.6     Category Z limits
 5     Measurement method
 6     Protection of radio astronomy service and space services using passive sensors
        6.1     Radio astronomy service
        6.2     Earth exploration-satellite and meteorological satellite services using passive sensors
Annex 1  Expression and units for spurious domain emissions
 1     Expression of spurious domain emissions
        1.1     Power values
                  1.1.1     Power supplied to the antenna (p.s.a.)
                  1.1.2     Equivalent isotropic radiated power (e.i.r.p.)
                  1.1.3     Effective radiated power (e.r.p.)
        1.2     Field strength
        1.3     pfd
 2     Units
        2.1     Power units
        2.2     Field strength units
        2.3     pfd units
 3     Relation between power, electric field strength, E, and pfd
Annex 2  Methods of measurement of spurious domain emissions
 1     Measuring equipment
        1.1     Selective measuring receiver
                  1.1.1     Weighting functions of measurement equipment
                  1.1.2     Resolution bandwidths
                  1.1.3     Video bandwidth
                  1.1.4     Measurement receiver filter shape factor
        1.2     Fundamental frequency rejection filter
        1.3     Coupling device
        1.4     Terminal load
        1.5     Measuring antenna
        1.6     Condition of modulation
 2     Measurement limitations
        2.1     Bandwidth limitations
        2.2     Sensitivity limitation
        2.3     Time limitations
 3     Methods of measurement
        3.1     Introduction
        3.2     Method 1 – Measurement of the spurious domain emission power supplied to the antenna port
                  3.2.1     Method 1a – Measurement using a fundamental rejection filter
                          Substitution approach
                  3.2.2     Method 1b – Measurement without a fundamental rejection filter
        3.3     Method 2 – Measurement of the spurious domain emission e.i.r.p.
                  3.3.1     Measurement sites for radiated measurements
                  3.3.2     Direct approach
                  3.3.3     Substitution approach
        3.4     Special cabinet radiation measurement
Annex 3  Threshold levels of interference for the radio astronomy service and space services using passive sensors
 1     Introduction
 2     Radio astronomy service (Recommendation ITU-R RA.769)
 3     Earth exploration-satellite and meteorological-satellite passive sensing (Recommendation ITU‑R SA.1029)
Annex 4  List of ITU-R Recommendations relating to spurious emissions for some specific services
Annex 5  Examples of applying 43 + 10 log P to calculate attenuation requirements
Example 1:
With a measured total mean power of 10 W:
With a measured total mean power of 1 000 W:
Example 2:
With a measured total mean power of 20 W:
Annex 6  Reference bandwidth for Category B limits Case of the fixed service
Annex 7  Reference bandwidth for Category B limits Case of the land mobile service