Annex 1 - Method for measurements of radio noise
 1     Introduction
 2     Properties of noise
 3     Equipment specifications
        3.1     Receiver
        3.2     Low noise amplifier (LNA)
        3.3     Antennas
        3.4     Uncertainty analysis
 4     Measurement method/algorithm
        4.1     Selecting a frequency band or frequency
        4.2     Analyser/receiver settings
        4.3     Measuring period
        4.4     Post-processing
                  4.4.1     Order of processing and plotting
        4.5     Corrections to be applied
                  4.5.1     Correct results for K-factor of antenna
                  4.5.2     Correcting for equipment noise
                  4.5.3     Correcting for 20% or x% values
                  4.5.4     Correcting for filter shape/bandwidth
        4.6     Validation of chosen percentage of x%
 5     Presentations