RECOMMENDATION ITU-R SM.1603 … Spectrum redeployment as a method of national spectrum management Annex 1 … Redeployment issues 1 Introduction 2 The requirement for spectrum redeployment 3 Spectrum redeployment 3.1 Time-scales 3.2 Voluntary and regulatory spectrum redeployment 3.3 Cost of implementation 4 Relationship between spectrum redeployment and spectrum pricing 4.1 Spectrum pricing 4.2 Compensation 5 Conclusions Appendix 1 to Annex 1 1 An example of the spectrum redeployment process 1.1 Interests driving the decision to redeploy spectrum 1.2 The cost of redeployment 1.3 Calculation of the redeployment cost using the residual book value 1.4 Calculation of the redeployment cost using residual economic value 1.5 The redeployment fund and redeployment procedures