Rec. ITU-R S.736-3 … ESTIMATION OF POLARIZATION DISCRIMINATION IN CALCULATIONS OF INTERFERENCE BETWEEN GEOSTATIONARY-SATEL .. ANNEX 1 … Estimation of polarization discrimination 1 Definition of the polarization of a wave 2 Definition of polarization angle and of relative alignment angle 3 Definition of polarization decoupling ratio and polarization discrimination 4 Calculation of polarization discrimination, Y, in linear polarization 4.1 Calculation of polarization discrimination, Yd, in the down-link 4.2 Calculation of the polarization discrimination, Yu , in the up-link 5 Calculation of polarization discrimination, Y, in the case of two polarizations: one circular, the other linear 6 Application to actual cases 7 Orientation of polarization planes 8 Depolarization due to rain (see Appendix 3) APPENDIX 1 TO ANNEX 1 … Optimization of polarization orientation 1 Simple model of a satellite-to-Earth link 2 Polarization orientation to minimize interference due to rain depolarization 3 Polarization orientation to minimize clear-sky interference APPENDIX 2 TO ANNEX 1 … Calculation of polarization angle and relative alignment angle 1 Calculation of polarization angle e of a wave in linear polarization 1.1 Definition of orthonormal coordinate systems (see Fig. 2) 1.2 Particular case: the earth station is at the boresight: P = Pv 1.3 General case: the earth station is distinct from ... 2 Calculation of relative alignment angle b for the linear polarization 2.1 Down-link case: reception by a wanted earth station P1 (see Fig. 3) 2.2 Uplink case: reception by a wanted satellite S1 (see Fig. 4) APPENDIX 3 TO ANNEX 1 … Depolarization due to rain: Cross-polarization of waves in the troposphere for Earth-space ... 1 Definition of cross-polarization discrimination due to rain 2 Executive summary of a method for calculating long-term statistics of hydrometeor-induced cross-polarization (see Recommend 3 Executive summary of a method for calculating long-term rain attenuation statistics from point rainfall rate (see Recommend 4 Degradations of polarization 5 Effects of rain on the attenuation of waves 5.1 Estimations of attenuations