Annex 1  Provisional technical characteristics of ESVs operating in the frequency band 5 925-6 425 MHz which is allocated to the FSS
 1     Introduction
 2     Description of deployed ESV systems and their operations
        2.1     Description of ESV systems
        2.2     Antenna subsystem
        2.3     RF subsystem
        2.4     Digital/modem subsystem
        2.5     Terminating capability
        2.6     Description of ESV hub function
 3     Operational characteristics of typical ESVs operating in the 5 925-6 425 MHz frequency band
        3.1     In general: three distinct operational phases
        3.2     ESV operations in open sea
        3.3     ESV operations in stationary mode
        3.4     ESV operations in motion
        3.5     Dual band operation
 4     ESV technical characteristics
Annex 2  Provisional technical characteristics of ESVs operating in the frequency band 14-14.5 GHz which is allocated to the FSS
 1     Antenna subsystem
 2     RF subsystem
 3     Modem subsystem
 4     ESV technical characteristics
Annex 3  Provisional technical characteristics of ESVs in shared bands