RECOMMENDATION ITU-R S.1555 - Aggregate interference levels between closely spaced dual circularly ... ANNEX 1 - Interference between closely spaced dual circularly and dual linearly polarized satellite networks operating ... 1 Introduction 2 Generic vector equations 2.1 Interference from circularly polarized into linearly polarized antenna systems 2.2 Interference from linearly polarized into circularly polarized antenna systems 2.3 Interference from linearly polarized into linearly polarized antenna systems 3 Summary of downlink and uplink analysis for dual polarized interfering signals of equal amplitude 3.1 CP satellite into LP earth station 3.2 CP earth station into LP satellite 3.3 LP satellite into CP earth station 3.4 LP earth station into CP satellite 3.5 LP satellite into LP earth station 3.6 LP earth station into LP satellite 4 Discussion of the results 4.1 Interference from a CP system into an LP system 4.2 Interference from an LP system into a CP system 5 Conclusions APPENDIX 1 TO ANNEX 1 - Example measurement data of the cross-polar discrimination of earth station antennas in ... 1 Antenna No. 1 2 Antenna No. 2 ANNEX 2 - Off-axis cross-polarization of earth station antennas operating in the 6/4 GHz frequency bands 1 Introduction 2 Summary of the analysis 2.1 Measurement of the phase relationship between the co-polarized and cross-polarized components 2.2 Definition of an earth station radiation pattern model 2.3 Effect of earth station struts 2.4 Simulation and results 2.5 Offset-fed reflector antenna 3 Conclusions APPENDIX 1 TO ANNEX 2 1 Earth station antenna radiation pattern model 1.1 Main reflector and subreflector 1.2 Main reflector surface tolerance errors 2 Strut scattering 3 Discussion of strut scattering 4 Typical 6/4 GHz frequency band examples including strut scattering 4.1 Worst-case comparison between uplink strut interference from dual LP and dual CP system 5 Possibility of measuring of the phase relationship between the co-polarized and the cross-polarized components 6 Other types of earth station antennas (offset-fed reflector antennas) ANNEX 3 - Interference between closely spaced dual polarized satellite networks operating in the 6/4 GHz frequency ... 1 Scope 2 Analysis 3 Results 4 Conclusion