Performance and interference criteria for active spaceborne sensors     2
Scope     2
Annex 1  Performance and interference criteria for  spaceborne active sensors     5
1     Introduction  5
2     Altimeters  5
        2.1     Performance criteria  5
        2.2     Interference criteria  5
3     Scatterometers  6
        3.1     Performance criteria  7
        3.2     Interference criteria  8
4     Precipitation radars  9
        4.1     Precipitation radars based upon TRMM    10
                  4.1.1     Performance criteria  10
                  4.1.2     Interference criteria  10
        4.2     Precipitation radars based upon TRMM follow-on  11
                  4.2.1     Introduction  11
                  4.2.2     TRMM follow-on and 35 GHz band precipitation radar 11
                  4.2.3     Technical characteristics of the 35 GHz precipitation radar 11
                  4.2.4     Performance and interference criteria  12
5     Synthetic aperture radars  12
        5.1     Performance criteria of SARs  13
        5.2     Interference criteria of SAR   13
                  5.2.1     Processing gain of noise  14
                  5.2.2     Range processing gain of interference signals  15
                  5.2.3     Azimuth processing gain of pulsed interference signals  16
                  5.2.4     Calculation of allowable interference  17
                  5.2.5     Input/output signal characteristics of SAR operating in the bands 432-438 MHz  and 1 215-1 300 MHz     18
                  5.2.6     Input/output signal characteristics of SARs operating in the bands 3 100-3 300 MHz and 5 250-5 570 MHz     18
                  5.2.7     Input/output signal characteristics of SARs operating in the bands 8 550-8 650 MHz and 9 300-9 900 MHz     19
                  5.2.8     Interference criteria  20
                  5.2.9     Availability criterion  20
6     Cloud profile radars  20
        6.1     Performance criteria for 94 GHz cloud profile radar 20
        6.2     Interference criteria of the cloud profile radar 20
        6.3     Availability criteria of the cloud profile radar 20