Annex 1
1     Introduction
2     Basic concepts
        2.1     Fresnel ellipsoids and Fresnel zones
        2.2     Penumbra width
        2.3     Diffraction zone
        2.4     Obstacle surface smoothness criterion
        2.5     Isolated obstacle
        2.6     Types of terrain
        2.7     Fresnel integrals
3     Diffraction over a spherical Earth
        3.1     Diffraction loss for over-the-horizon paths
                  3.1.1     Numerical calculation
                  3.1.2     Calculation by nomograms
        3.2     Diffraction loss for LoS paths with sub-path diffraction
4     Diffraction over isolated obstacles
        4.1     Single knife-edge obstacle
        4.2     Single rounded obstacle
        4.3     Double isolated edges
        4.4     Multiple isolated obstacles
                  4.4.1     Cascaded cylinder method
                  4.4.2      Cascaded knife edge method
5     Diffraction by thin screens
       5.1      Finite-width screen
        5.2     Diffraction by rectangular apertures and composite apertures or screens
                  5.2.1     Diffraction by a single rectangular aperture
                  5.2.2     Diffraction by composite apertures or screens
6     Diffraction over a finitely conducting wedge
7     Guide to propagation by diffraction
Appendix 1 to Annex 1  Calculation of cylinder parameters
1     Diffraction angle and position of vertex
2     Cylinder parameters
Appendix 2 to Annex 1  Sub-path diffraction losses
1     Introduction
2     Method