1      Extensible family of compatible digital coding standards
2     Specifications applicable to any member of the family
        2.1     Sampling structures should be spatially static
        2.2     If the samples represent luminance and two simultaneous colour-difference signals...
        2.3     The digital standard adopted for each member of the family should permit worldwide...
        2.4     In applications of these specifications, the contents of digital words are expressed...
     Definition of the digital signals Y, CR, CB, from the primary (analogue) signals  ,   and
                  2.5.1     Construction of luminance ( ) and colour-difference (  –  ) and (  –  ) signals
                  2.5.2     Construction of re-normalized colour-difference signals      and
                  2.5.3     Quantization
                  2.5.4     Construction of Y, CR , CB via quantization of...
                  2.5.5     Limiting of Y, CR , CB signals
        2.6     Colour and opto-electronic transfer characteristic
3     Family members
Annex 1 - Encoding parameters for members of the family
1     Encoding parameter values for the 4:2:2 member of the family
2     Encoding parameter values for the 4:4:4 member of the family
Appendix 1 to Annex 1 - Definition of signals used in the digital coding standards
1     Relationship of digital active line to analogue sync reference
Appendix 2 to Annex 1 - Filtering characteristics
1     Some guidance on the practical implementation of the filters