Annex 1 - Public warning systems on broadcasting
 1     Introduction
 2     Outline of public warning systems on broadcasting
 3     EWS for analogue broadcasting
 4     EWS for digital broadcasting
Appendix 1 - Examples of public warning systems on broadcasting
 1     Introduction
 2     Japan
        2.1     Disaster management system
                  2.1.1     Disaster management plans
                  2.1.2     Telecommunication networks for disaster management
                  2.1.3     Disaster management drills
        2.2     Earthquake and tsunami warning broadcasting
                  2.2.1     Gathering information
                  2.2.2     Delivery information
        2.3     EWS over analogue broadcasting
                  2.3.1     Overview
                  2.3.2     Operation of EWS
                  2.3.3     Specification and configuration of EWS signal
        2.4     Digital emergency warning system (digital EWS)
                  2.4.1     Technical specifications of digital EWS
                  2.4.2     Mobile and portable reception
                  2.4.3     Automatic activation of handheld receivers by EWS signals
        2.5     Bibliography (informative)