ITU Operational Bulletin
No. 733 - 1.II.2001
(Information received by 25 January 2001)


Subjects preceded by the letters (BR) in the table of Contents are dealt with by
the Radiocommunication Bureau (BR),
contact: TF +41 22 730 5217 FAX +41 22 730 5785

Subjects preceded by the letters (TSB) in the table of Contents are dealt with by
the Telecommunication Standardization Bureau (TSB),
contact: TF +41 22 730 5212 FAX +41 22 730 5853


 General Information


Lists annexed to Operational Bulletin: Note from the TSB


Approval of ITU-T Recommendations


Coast Station Identification Numbers: United States of America


Assignment of Signalling Area/Network Codes (SANC) (ITU-T Recommendation Q.708 (03/99)): Spain, Netherlands, United Kingdom


Legal time changes: Austria, Falkland Islands (Malvinas), Finland, Kazakstan, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Liechtenstein, Poland, Slovakia, Syria


Access codes/numbers for mobile networks (According to ITU-T Recommendation E.164): Note from the TSB (Access codes/numbers for mobile networks used with the E.164 country code – Operational Bulletin No. 726 of 15.X.2000, List No. 1, Amendment No. 4)


Telegram Service: Finland (Sonera: Cessation of telegram service – CTITU B19 of 22.I.2001), Czech Rep. (‚ ESKÝ TELECOM, a.s., Praha: Delivery of telegrams)


Telex Service: Czech Rep. (‚ ESKÝ TELECOM, a.s., Praha)


Telephone Service: Germany (Regulierungsbehörde für Telekommunikation und Post – Reg TP, Bonn), Central African Rep. (Socatel, Bangui), Denmark (National Telecom Agency, Copenhagen), Dominica (Cable & Wireless Dominica, Roseau), Eritrea Telecommunication Service of Eritrea – TSE, Asmara), Guyana (Guyana Telephone & Telegraph Co. Ltd., Georgetown), Iceland (Post and Telecom Administration of Iceland, Kopavogur), Jamaica (Cable and Wireless Jamaica Limited, Kingston), Lithuania (Lietuvos Telekomas, Vilnius), The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (Makedonski Telekomunikacii A.D., Skopje), Niger (Société Nigérienne des Télécommunications – SONITEL, Niamey), Dem. Rep. of the Congo (Secrétariat Général aux Postes et Télécommunications, Kinshasa), Russia (Ministry for Communications and Informatization of the Russian Federation, Moscow), Saint Lucia (Cable and Wireless St. Lucia Ltd., Castries), Trinidad and Tobago (Telecommunication Services of Trinidad and Tobago Limited – TSTT, Port of Spain)


Data Transmission Service (ITU-T Recommendation X.121) – International numbering plan for public data networks: Portugal


Other communications: Public holidays in 2001 (Kyrgyzstan, Lithuania, Seychelles, Syria)


Service Restrictions: Note from the TSB


Call-Back and alternative calling procedures (Res. 21 Rev. PP-98): Note from the TSB


Amendments to service documents


List of Coast Stations (List IV)


List of Ship Stations (List V)


List of International Signalling Point Codes (ISPC)


List of Signalling Area/Network Codes (SANC)


List of Data Network Identification Codes (DNIC)


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