Policy on Intellectual Property Right (IPR)
 1     Introduction
        1.1     Data communication over electrical power lines
 2     Fundamental elements related with radio-frequency radiations from PLT systems
        2.1     Introduction
        2.2     Differential-mode and common-mode currents
        2.3     Generation of common-mode current
        2.4     Folded-dipole antenna effect of a switch branch
        2.5     Shielding effectiveness of exterior walls of a house
        2.6     Leakage from an in-house power line to service wires outside the house
 3     Radio system characteristics, protection criteria, and impact of PLT systems on radiocommunication systems
        3.1     Broadcasting
                  3.1.1     General characteristics of analogue LF, MF and HF broadcasting
                  3.1.2     General characteristics of DRM digital LF, MF and HF broadcasting
                  3.1.3     LF, MF, HF and VHF radio broadcasting frequency ranges
                  3.1.4     Protection criteria and acceptable interference
        3.2     Amateur and amateur satellite
                  3.2.1     General characteristics
                  3.2.2     Amateur frequency allocations
                  3.2.3     The protection requirements of the HF amateur radio service
        3.3     Aeronautical mobile and radionavigation
                  3.3.1     Results
        3.4     General protection criteria considerations HF fixed and land mobile
                  3.4.1     Protection criteria and protection requirement
                  3.4.2     A possible protection criteria
                  3.4.3     Automatic link establishment systems
        3.5     Maritime mobile
                  3.5.1     Background
                  3.5.2     Frequencies allocated for maritime communications
                  3.5.3     Receiver parameters for the maritime mobile service in MF and HF bands
                  3.5.4     Hyperbolic radionavigation systems
                  3.5.5     LF/MF maritime radionavigation beacons
        3.6     Radiolocation
                  3.6.1     Oceanographic radar systems in the bands 3-50 MHz
                  3.6.2     System characteristics
        3.7     Fixed
                  3.7.1     Fixed system characteristics
                  3.7.2     Protection criteria
        3.8     Radio astronomy
        3.9     Standard frequency and time
 4     Potential means for preventing or eliminating interference
        4.1     Mitigation factors and methods for power line communications
                  4.1.1     Attenuation of conducted signals
                  4.1.2     Frequency band exclusions
                  4.1.3     Geographical exclusion zones
                  4.1.4     Consultation area requirements
                  4.1.5     Adaptive interference techniques
                  4.1.6     Interference complaint procedures
                  4.1.7     PLT operator database
        4.2     Studies of mitigation techniques
                  4.2.1     Study of mitigation techniques in Brazil
                  4.2.2     Intermodulation effects on the depth of spectrum notches in PLT systems
 5     Overall conclusions
Annex 1  Noise, radiation and propagation considerations
A1     Noise, radiation and propagation considerations
       A1.1     Noise level in the HF band
                  A1.1.1     The ambient noise environment
                  A1.1.2     Measuring the ambient noise floor
                  A1.1.3     Determination of the noise level
                  A1.1.4     Long-term man-made noise measurements in Germany
       A1.2     Propagation mechanisms
                  A1.2.1     Near-field and ground-wave propagation
                  A1.2.2     Sky wave propagation
                  A1.2.3     Examples of propagation calculations and studies
Annex 2  Analyses of potential interference
A2     Analyses of potential interference
       A2.1     A modelling analysis for the radio astronomy service
                  A2.1.1     Uses of HF bands by the RAS
                  A2.1.2     Separation distances between a RA antenna and a PLT system in the HF region
a)     Direct path calculation
b)     Ionospheric propagation
                  A2.1.3     Discussion
                  A2.1.4     Conclusions
       A2.2     Overview of power line telecommunication systems interference to the broadcasting service
                  A2.2.1     Introduction
                  A2.2.2     Interference effects into low VHF television
                  A2.2.3     Interference effects into the HF band
                  A2.2.4     Summary and conclusions
       A2.3     Effects of interference from PLT into the broadcasting service below 30 MHz
       A2.4     Methodology for calculation of cumulative HF skywave interference from power line telecommunication systems
                  A2.4.1     Governmental skywave interference example into Winnipeg, Canada
Cumulative PLT tool execution within MATLAB is shown below:
                  A2.4.2     NTIA study on ionospheric propagation and aggregation of Access PLT emissions
                  A2.4.3     Results on calculation of cumulative HF sky-wave interference caused by power line telecommunication systems
 1     Power radiated from a single PLT system
 2     Cumulative treatment of distributed PLT systems
 3     Calculation of the cumulative field strength distribution through HF sky-wave propagation
                  A2.4.4     Compatibility study results between the radio astronomy observations in the HF band and cumulative HF sky-wave interference caused by in-house power line telecommunication systems
       A2.5     Experimental results of the subjective assessment test on HF analogue broadcast reception interfered with by PLT
                  A2.5.1     Test methods
                  A2.5.2     Test results
                  A2.5.3     Test equipment
       A2.6     Compatibility analysis regarding protection requirements of HF aeronautical mobile radio in relation to PLT in-house devices
                  A2.6.1     Introduction
                  A2.6.2     Study assumptions
                  A2.6.3     Compatibility model/geometrical computation
                  A2.6.4     Evaluation threshold for the aeronautical radio
                  A2.6.5     Results of the analysis
                  A2.6.6     Other determinants
                  A2.6.7     Requirements toward PLT devices for protecting the HF aeronautical mobile service
Annex 3  Radio frequency emissions from PLT systems
A3     Radio frequency emissions from PLT systems
       A3.1     Measurement of access PLT non intentional radiated RF levels on HF bands
                  A3.1.1     Introduction
                  A3.1.2     Objective
                  A3.1.3     Interference concept
                  A3.1.4     Test description
                  A3.1.5     Comments
                  A3.1.6     Possible mitigation technique
                  A3.1.7     Conclusions
       A3.2     Measurements of the radiated emissions from in-house power line telecommunications devices into the residential environment in Canada
                  A3.2.1     Introduction
                  A3.2.2     Conducted power measurement – Test procedure and results
                  A3.2.3     Field strength measurements – Procedure and results
                  A3.2.4     Conclusions
       A3.3     Measurement results of the radiated emissions from in-house power line telecommunications systems into the residential environment in the test conducted in Japan
                  A3.3.1     Introduction
                  A3.3.2     Measurement method
                  A3.3.3     Condition of PLT communication
                  A3.3.4     Measurement result
       A3.4     Measurement results of leaked emissions by access PLT system in the HF and the UHF bands
                  A3.4.1     Introduction
                  A3.4.2     Field experiment at Mt. Akagi, Japan, in July 23, 2002
                  A3.4.3     Leaked emissions in the HF band
                  A3.4.4     Spurious emission in the UHF band
                  A3.4.5     Comparison of the PLT noise level with Recommendation ITU-R RA.769 at 327 MHz
                  A3.4.6     Conclusions
       A3.5     Distance separation measurements
                  A3.5.1     Distance separation measurements in Brazil
                  A3.5.2     Distance separation measurements in Canada
                  A3.5.3      Distance dependence of the leaked electric field caused by in-house PLT systems separation measurement in Japan
       A3.6     Impact on radioastronomy observations by leaked radiation caused by in-house PLT systems
                  A3.6.1     Introduction
                  A3.6.2     Radio noise environment at the measurement location
                  A3.6.3     Measurement
                  A3.6.4     Measured data
                  A3.6.5     Assessment of the PLT disturbance through comparison with Rec. ITU-R RA.769
                  A3.6.6     Mitigation of PLT disturbance against radio-astronomy observations in the HF band
                  A3.6.7     Conclusions
Appendix 1 to Annex 3  Measurements of EM radiation from in-house PLT devices operating in a residential environment – Field Test Report
Annex 4  Design examples of PLT technology
A4     Design examples of PLT technology
       A4.1     Examples of a PLT network topology
       A4.2     General design considerations
                  A4.2.1     Media access control
                  A4.2.2     Repeaters
                  A4.2.3     Multiplexing and multiple access approaches
                  A4.2.4     Distance
       A4.3     PLT network architectures on MV distribution lines
       A4.4     PLT network architectures on low voltage distribution lines
                  A4.4.1     Low density PLT network topology
                  A4.4.2     High density PLT network topologies
                  A4.4.3     PLT star network topology
                  A4.4.4     PLT tree network topology
                  A4.4.5     PLT multi-floor network topology