A.1     Introduction
        A.2     Earth observation radio applications and techniques
                  A.2.1     Overview
                  A.2.2     Passive techniques
                  A.2.3     Active techniques
                  A.2.4     Data transmission
                  A.2.5     Space operations
        A.3     Application domains
                  A.3.1     Meteorology and climatology
                  A.3.2     Disaster management
                  A.3.3     Other satellite imaging applications
        A.4     Essential benefits of Earth observation
                  A.4.1     The Group on Earth Observation (GEO)
Economic and societal value
                  A.4.3     Economic and societal impact of disasters
                  A.4.4     Public investments in Earth observation
                  A.4.5     Benefits of spectrum use for Earth observation
        A.5     Status of radio spectrum used by Earth observation systems
                  A.5.1     Frequency bands used in GEOSS and specific protection requirements
                  A.5.2     Harmonisation through the ITU Radio Regulations
                  A.5.3     Compatibility conditions
                  A.5.4     Impact of RFI on products
        A.6     Conclusions
Annex 1 to Part A  References
Annex 2 to Part A: WMO Resolution  World Meteorological Organisation
Annex 3 to Part A: Cape Town Declaration  Cape Town Declaration of the Earth Observation Ministerial Summit
        B.1     Introduction
                  B.1.1     The Sun
                  B.1.2     Space weather
                  B.1.3     Objectives of solar monitoring
        B.2     Overview of solar radio monitoring
        B.3     Solar radio flux data applications
                  B.3.1     Environmental applications
                  B.3.2     Technical/Infrastructural applications
        B.4     Impact and societal value
        B.5     Status of radio spectrum use for solar radio monitoring
                  B.5.1     Spectrum usage for solar radio monitoring
                  B.5.2     Harmonisation through the ITU Radio Regulations
                  B.5.3     Compatibility conditions
                  B.5.4     Impact of RFI on data
        B.6     Conclusions
        C.1     Introduction to astronomy
        C.2     The radio astronomy service
                  C.2.1     Spectrum and atmosphere
                  C.2.2     Need for multiple frequency bands
                  C.2.3     Radio astronomy sites
        C.3     Space research service
        C.4     Radar astronomy
        C.5     Space operation service
        C.6     Passive techniques
        C.7     Economic and societal value
                  C.7.1     Introduction
                  C.7.2     Investment in radio astronomy
                  C.7.3     Economic and societal value of radio astronomy research
        C.8     Trends in radio astronomy
        C.9     Conclusions
Attachment  List of acronyms and abbreviations