Policy on Intellectual Property Right (IPR)
 1     Introduction
 2     Related ITU-R Recommendations and Reports
 3     Methodology
        3.1     Methodology flow chart
        3.2     Definitions used in the methodology
        3.3     Calculation algorithms
        3.4     Market and technology development
 4     Input parameters
        4.1     Market-related input parameters
                  4.1.1     Service category definitions
                  4.1.2     Market related parameters
        4.2     Service category parameters
                  4.2.1     Maximum allowable blocking probability for reservation-based service categories
                  4.2.2     Parameters for packet-switched service categories
        4.3     Radio-related parameters
                  4.3.1     Cell area
                  4.3.2     Area spectral efficiency
                  4.3.3     Other radio-related input parameters
        4.4     Other parameters
                  4.4.1     Population coverage percentage
                  4.4.2     Distribution ratios among available RATGs
 5     Estimated spectrum requirements
 6     Conclusions
        A.1     Market-related input parameters
        A.2     Service category parameters
        A.3     Radio-related parameters
        A.4     Other parameters