Policy on Intellectual Property Right (IPR)
 1     Introduction
 2     Terminology
 3     Review of radiocommunication spectrum requirements
 4     Principles applying to services allocations
 5     Criteria for evaluating candidate frequency bands
 6     Frequency bands under consideration
        6.1     960-1 164 MHz terrestrial line-of-sight communications
        6.2     5 030-5 091 MHz satellite communications
 7     Conclusions
Annex 1  Sharing study for UAS terrestrial line-of-sight communications in the band 960-1 164 MHz
 1     960-1 164 MHz allocations
 2     Existing in-band systems
References for Tables 1-1 and 1-2
        2.1     DME and TACAN
        2.2     Secondary surveillance radar and TCAS (1 030/1 090 MHz)
        2.3     JTIDS and MIDS
        2.4     UAT
        2.5     Non-ICAO standardized aeronautical radionavigation system
                  2.5.1     Results of compatibility studies between UAS and non-ICAO ARNS stations in the 960-1 164 MHz band
 3     Potential in-band systems
        3.1     L-DACS1
        3.2     L-DACS2
 4     Compatibility with GNSS Systems above 1 164 MHz
 5     Summary of 960-1 164 MHz sub-bands usages
 6     Possible CNPC system architecture
        6.1     Preliminary design considerations
        6.2     Statistical considerations
        6.3     Detailed designs
                  6.3.1     Medium/large UAS system design
                  6.3.2     Small UAS system design
 7     Conclusion
Annex 2  Sharing in the band 5 030-5 091 MHz between the international standard microwave landing system (MLS) and a satellite system of the aeronautical mobile-satellite (route) service (AMS(R)S)
 1     Introduction
 2     Definition
 3     Microwave landing system
        3.1     General architecture
        3.2     MLS transmitter
        3.3     MLS receiver
        3.4     Protection criteria
 4     Possible AMS(R)S system
        4.1     General architecture
        4.2     Space segment
        4.3     UA terminal segment
        4.4     Carrier bandwidth and frequency plan
        4.5     Link budgets
 5     Coexistence studies
        5.1     Introduction
        5.2     General methodology
        5.3     Single interferer analysis
                  5.3.1     Satellite to MLS (satellite to UA link, forward)
                  5.3.2     MLS to UA (satellite to UA link, forward)
                  5.3.3     UA to MLS (UA to satellite link, return)
                  5.3.4     MLS to satellite (UA to satellite link, return)
        5.4     Aggregation analysis
                  5.4.1     Satellite to MLS (satellite to UA link, forward)
                  5.4.2     MLS to UA (satellite to UA link, forward)
                  5.4.3     UA to MLS study (UA to satellite link, return)
                  5.4.4     MLS to satellite (UA to satellite link, return)
        5.5     Frequency planning constraints determination
        5.6     Frequency planning
 6     Conclusion
Annex 3  Glossary