Policy on Intellectual Property Right (IPR)
 1     Introduction and scope
 2     General system descriptions and terminology
        2.1     Terminology
        2.2     Classification of air spaces
        2.3     Required radiocommunications for safe operations of UA
                  2.3.1     Types of radiocommunications links
                  2.3.2      Radiocommunications for air traffic control relay
                  2.3.3     Required radiocommunications for command and control
                  2.3.4     Required radiocommunications in support of “sense and avoid”
        2.4     Other considerations
 3     Unmanned aircraft categories
 4     UAS applications
 5     Spectrum requirements for UAS communications
        5.1     Single UA throughput needs
                  5.1.1     Methodology 1
                  5.1.2     Methodology 2
        5.2     UAS deployment scenario
                  5.2.1     Methodology 1
                  5.2.2     Methodology 2
        5.3     Aggregate assessment of UAS spectrum needs
                  5.3.1     Methodology 1
                  5.3.2     Methodology 2
 6     Summary of results of Methodologies 1 and 2
 7     Conclusion
Annex 1  Throughput requirements for control and non-payload communications  of a single unmanned aircraft
 1     Introduction
        1.1     Information flows
        1.2     Data loading requirements
                  1.2.1     UACS/UA command and control links
                  1.2.2     Navigational aids
                  1.2.3     ATC voice relay
                  1.2.4     ATS data relay
                  1.2.5     Surveillance data
                  1.2.6     Summary of loading requirements
        1.3     Overhead and throughput
                  1.3.1     Control links, NavAids, and non-video surveillance
                  1.3.2     Other types of traffic
                  1.3.3     Throughput requirements
Appendix 1 of Annex 1  Loading requirements for UACS/UA command and control links
Appendix 2 of Annex 1  Loading requirements for NavAid data links
Annex 2  UAS deployment scenario
 1     Methodology 1
 2     Methodology 2
        2.1      Introduction
        2.2     UAS operations and UA categorization
                  2.2.1     Primary operational functions
                  2.2.2     Surface environment
                  2.2.3     Airborne environment
                  2.2.4     UAS mission characteristics and phases of flight
                  2.2.5     UA categorization
        2.3     Projected UA population
                  2.3.1     UAS use segments
                  2.3.2     Government use segment
                  2.3.3     Commercial use segment
                  2.3.4      Example of quantity of UAS available to operate by 2030
        2.4     Deployment and disposition of projected UAS population
                  2.4.1     Geographically uniform deployment scenario
                  2.4.2     Non-geographically uniform deployment scenarios
Annex 3  Aggregate bandwidth requirements for command and control, for support of sense and avoid, and ATC relay of unmanned aircraft
 1     Methodology 1
        1.1     General description of the approach
        1.2     Redundancy factor, utilization factor and system wide frequency assignment efficiency
        1.3     Reuse factor
                  1.3.1     Terrestrial
                  1.3.2     Satellite
        1.4     Results of the aggregate spectrum requirement
Appendix 1  to Methodology 1
 1     Methodology 2
        1.1     Introduction
        1.2     Aggregate bandwidth requirements of a LoS terrestrial system
        1.3     Aggregate bandwidth requirements of a BLoS spot-beam satellite system
        1.4     Aggregate bandwidth requirements of a BLoS regional-beam satellite system
 2     Summary of Methodology 2 results
Annex 4  Airspace classes, services and flight requirements
Annex 5  Acronyms