1     Introduction  4
2     Compatibility analysis  5
3     References  6
4     Conclusion  7
5     Definitions and abbreviations  8
        5.1     Definition  8
        5.2     Abbreviations  8
Annex 1  Study A Compatibility of air surveillance radars and meteorological radar with IMT systems within the 2 700-2 900 MHz band     9
1     Introduction  9
2     Executive summary  10
3     Scope  10
4     Overview of study results  10
        4.1     IMT interference criteria levels  10
        4.2     Required ASR and meteorological radar separation distances based on radar protection criteria levels     11
        4.3     Utilization of the 2 700-2 900 MHz band (Impact on IMT systems) 13
        4.4     Application of interference mitigation techniques  14
5     Conclusions  15
Appendix 1 to Annex 1  Air surveillance radars, meteorological radars and IMT system characteristics, propagation scenarios, simulation methodologies and interference mitigation techniques     16
1     Parameters of IMT systems  16
2     Air surveillance and meteorological radar parameters  17
3     IMT radio interface interference criteria  18
4     Propagation model 19
5     Deployment scenarios studied  19
        5.1     Macro cell deployments  19
        5.2     Micro cell deployments  20
        5.3     Pico cell deployments  21
Appendix 2 to Annex 1  Results of IMT sharing studies with air surveillance Type A, Type B and Type C radars within the 2 700-2 900 MHz band     21
1     Air surveillance radars  21
2     Interference to air surveillance radars from IMT systems  22
        2.1     Type A and Type B Air surveillance offset from a macro network  22
        2.2     Type B air surveillance radars offset from a micro network  23
        2.3     Type B air surveillance radar offset from a basic pico cell network  24
3     Discussion of results  25
Appendix 3 to Annex 1  Results of IMT co-frequency compatibility studies with meteorological (Type G) radar within the 2 700-2 900 MHz band     25
1     Meteorological radars  25
        1.1     Meteorological radar offset from an IMT macro network  26
2     Meteorological radar offset from an IMT micro network  26
3     Meteorological radar offset from a basic pico cell network  27
4     Discussion of results  28
Appendix 4 to Annex 1  Impact of air surveillance radars and meteorological radar operations upon IMT systems within the 2 700-2 900 MHz band     28
1     IMT as victim system   28
        1.1     Macro, micro and pico cell deployments  29
        1.2     Interference from multiple radars into IMT-2000  31
2     Discussion of results – Interference from radars into IMT-2000 stations  36
3     Potential interference mechanisms  36
4     AGC interference mechanisms  36
5     Filter and mixer interference mechanisms  37
6     ADC interference mechanisms  37
Annex 2  Study B Compatibility of airport surveillance radars and meteorological radar with IMT Systems within the 2 700-2 900 MHz band     38
1     Parameters of IMT-2000 and IMT-Advanced  38
2     Aeronautical radionavigation and meteorological radar parameters  39
3     Interference criteria of the systems  43
4     Propagation model 43
5     Evaluation methodology  44
        5.1     Radar to cellular interference  44
        5.2     Cellular to radar interference: Methodology for single and aggregate base stations  44
        5.3     Frequency dependent rejection  45
6     Deployment scenarios studied  46
7     Results  47
        7.1     Radar as victim system, no mitigation techniques  47
                  7.1.1     Interference from IMT macro base stations  47
                  7.1.2     Interference from IMT micro base stations  48
                  7.1.3     Interference from IMT pico base stations  48
                  7.1.4     Interference from IMT to other types of radars  49
        7.2     IMT as victim system   49
                  7.2.1     Effects on LNA, AGC and ADC   49
                  7.2.2     Quality of service degradation due to pulsed radar interference  50
OFDM analysis     50
CDMA analysis     51
        7.3     Radar as victim system, mitigation techniques used  52
 8     Conclusion  56
Appendix 1  to Annex 2  Clutter loss modifications to propagation model ITU-R P.452     56
Appendix 2  to Annex 2  IMT base station front-end filters     58
Appendix 3 to Annex 2  Detailed analysis of radar interference to IMT terminals     60
I     Short radar pulses  60
1     Introduction  60
2     Characteristic of the radar interference  60
3     Mechanism of radar interference to IMT-2000/WCDMA downlink receiver 61
        3.1     General 61
        3.2     Effect of radar pulses on a linear spread spectrum receiver 62
        3.3     Mitigation effects: Hard limiter and FEC   64
        3.4     Automatic gain control (AGC) 65
II     Long radar pulses  67
1     Introduction  67
2     Review of interference mechanism   68
3     Radar characteristics  68
4     The simulation model 69
5     Simulation results  69
6     Conclusions  79