Policy on Intellectual Property Right (IPR)
Chapter 1  Analysis of existing video information systems for presentation of various types of broadcast and multimedia information, including VIS definition
        1.1     Background
        1.2     External TV and video systems
        1.3     Large-screen digital systems
        1.4     Digital signage systems
Chapter 2  New VIS with use of broadcast SDTV, HDTV, LSDI and EHRI technologies
        2.1     Main fields of use
                  2.1.1     Collective viewing of TV broadcast programmes
                  2.1.2     Sporting events
                  2.1.3     Examples of VIS applications for advertisements and information services
                  2.1.4     Use of VISs at large-scale public events and festivities
                  2.1.5     Use of VISs at concerts and shows with large audiences and during television filming
        2.2     Public warning, disaster mitigation and relief
Chapter 3  TV broadcasting technologies for VIS
        3.1     Extremely high resolution video system
                  3.1.1     Study on extremely high resolution video system
                  3.1.2     Development of equipment for extremely high resolution video system
                  3.1.3     Public viewing of extremely high resolution video system
        3.2     Video information system for handheld terminals
Chapter 4  Integration of VIS with TV broadcasting and other information services
        4.1     New approach to the content of outdoor TV broadcasting having regard to the technological features of large-screen VIS
        4.2     Integration of outdoor VIS with 3D TV broadcasting
        4.3     Extension of the use of ITU-R Recommendations for LSDI applications to a subset of VIS applications
        4.4     VIS safety
                  4.4.1     Information safety
                  4.4.2     Screen safety
        4.5     Audio accompaniment for VIS services
                  4.5.1     Audio accompaniment using loudspeakers
                  4.5.2     Personalized audio accompaniment
Chapter 5  Assessing the quality of VIS video services
        5.1     Viewing images on VIS screens
        5.2     Subjective assessment of the quality of images on the “indoor” VIS screens
        5.3     Objective measurement of VIS image quality
        5.4     Future work
Chapter 6  VIS displays
        6.1     General requirements for VIS displays
        6.2     Main types of screen for VIS displays
                  6.2.1     Screen technologies for VIS displays
                  6.2.2     Trends in the ongoing evolution of displays for VIS
Chapter 7  Operational aspects
        7.1     General
        7.2     Monitoring the status of VIS signals
        7.3     Quality control of VIS services
        7.4     Requirements in regard to control and measurement equipment
        7.5     ITU-R Recommendations in the field of VIS
Annex 1  Establishment of a Rapporteur Group on digital  multimedia video informational systems
Annex 2  Continuation of the Rapporteur Group on digital  multimedia video information systems
Terms of reference of the Rapporteur Group