1     Prediction error statistics
        1.1     United Kingdom (UK) results
        1.2     Japanese results
        1.3     Comparison of measurements with field-strength predictions, Trondheim Area
       1.4      Australian results
2     Field-strength prediction method
        2.1     The method used in the United Kingdom (the UKPM)
        2.2     The method used in Japan
        2.3     The method used in Canada
                  2.3.1     CRC-PREDICT – A VHF and UHF propagation model
                  2.3.2     Calculation
                  2.3.3     Ground reflection
                  2.3.4     Tropospheric scatter
                  2.3.5     Location variability
                  2.3.6     Time availability
                  2.3.7     Summary
        2.4     The method used in Brazil
3     Prediction error statistics
        3.1     United Kingdom results
        3.2     Japanese results
        3.3     Comparison of measurements with field-strength predictions, Trondheim Area
4     Planning software
        4.1     Introduction – Database centred planning software
        4.2     Software developments
                  4.2.1     Switzerland
                  4.2.2     Japan
                  4.2.3     Canada
                  4.2.4     Brazil
                  4.2.5     LS Telcom
5     Additional factors impacting coverage
        5.1     Introduction
        5.2     DVB-T practical reception problems
        5.3     ATSC 8-VSB practical reception problems
                  5.3.1     SNR requirement
                  5.3.2     Propagation loss and statistics
                  5.3.3     Receiver/antenna model for coverage planning
6     Discussion of results and methodologies