1     Introduction
 2     What is LSDI?
 3     LSDI venues
 4     Video signal formats for LSDI
 5     Audio for LSDI
 6     Quality considerations for LSDI
 7     Delivery of LSDI content
 8     LSDI technologies and implementations
 9     Digital cinema
10     Recommendations
11     Future work
Appendix 1 - Large screen digital imagery
Annex 1 to Appendix 1 - Some bodies within and outside the ITU that could provide co-operation on LSDI studies
Part 1 - Large Screen Digital Imagery (LSDI) Technology
Chapter 1 - Camera technologies
     Camera systems currently commercialized
        1.1     Cinealta
        1.2     VariCam
        1.3     Viper
 2     Camera systems within the foreseeable range or under development
        2.1     1920 ´ 1 080/60p camera
        2.2     1 920 ´ 1 080/300p camera
        2.3     4k ´ 2k camera
        2.4     8k ´ 4k camera (CCD)
        2.5     8k ´ 4k camera (CMOS)
        2.6     ARRI D-20
        2.7     DALSA Origin
        2.8     Lockheed Martin 12M-pixel camera
        2.9     Panavision Genesis
Chapter 2 - Recording technologies
Chapter 3 - Display  technologies
     Large screen projection technologies
        1.1     Introduction
        1.2     Environment
        1.3     Image capture and display
        1.4     Deployed projection technologies
        1.5     Technology in development
        1.6     Projector efficiency
        1.7     Summary
 2     2k ´ 1k display
        2.1     2k ´ 1k DMD projectors
        2.2     JVC 2k ´ 1k projector
        2.3     Sony 2k ´ 1k projector
        2.4     Epson 2k ´ 1k device
 3     4k ´ 2k display
        3.1     JVC, CRL and NTT projectors
        3.2     Sony 4k ´ 2k projector
 4     NHK 8k ´ 4k display system [5]
        4.1     Projector
        4.2     Equipment layout
        4.3     Convergence-adjustment device
Chapter 4 -
Distribution technology
 1     Introduction
 2     Ethernet technologies
        2.1     1-Gigabit Ethernet
        2.2     10-Gigabit Ethernet
 3     Satellite transmission technologies
        3.1     Broadcasting satellite system in 12 GHz band
        3.2     Broadcasting satellite system in 21 GHz band
 4     Transporting technologies over wired network
        4.1     Prototype distribution system by NTT
        4.2     International real-time streaming of 4k format video [4]
        4.3     Real-time IP streaming of an uncompressed 4k format video [5]
        4.4     Uncompressed live transmission of 8k format video
Chapter 5 -
Coding Technologies
 1     Introduction
 2     Motion JPEG‑2000
 3     H.264/AVC
 4     Coding technologies for an expanded hierarchy of LSDI
        4.1     Super high definition (SHD) technology
        4.2     The real-time JPEG2000 decoder
        4.3     MPEG2 CODECs system
        4.4     MPEG-2 CODEC for 8k format LSDI
Chapter 6 - Multichannel sound technologies
 1     Introduction
 2     Multichannel sound systems presently in use
        2.1     5.1 (0/5/0.1)
        2.2     6.1 (0/6/0.1)
        2.3     6.1 (0/5/1.1)
        2.4     7.1 (0/7/0.1)
        2.5     7.1 (0/7/0.1)
 3     Multichannel sound systems under development
        3.1     6.0 (0/2/4)
        3.2     10.2 (0/8/2.2)
       3.3      22.2 (3/10/9.2)
       3.4      Wave field synthesis
Chapter 7 - Cinema theatres for motion picture
 1     Introduction
 2     Cinema theatre recommended parameters
        2.1     Current standards
                  2.1.1     The AFNOR NF S 27001
                  2.1.2     29 June 1989 Protocol
                  2.1.3     Recommended parameters
       2.2      Screen size
                  2.2.1     Image size lower bound
                  2.2.2     Image size upper bound
        2.3     Screen types
                  2.3.1     Flat screen
                  2.3.2     Curved screen
        2.4     Screen parameters
                  2.4.1     Screen curvature
        2.5     Room parameters
                  2.5.1     Distance to screen
                  2.5.2     Head tilt angles
                  2.5.3     Row spacing
                  2.5.4     Side vision angle
                  2.5.5     Seat back plane orientation
                  2.5.6     Head clearance
                  2.5.7     Seat upper limit plane
                  2.5.8     Projection distance
                  2.5.9     Image geometric distortion
                  2.5.10     Clearance under projection beam
                  2.5.11     Room outfit
Chapter 8 - Applications of the expanded hierarchy of LSDI systems:

     Available technologies for the expanded hierarchy of LSDI systems
Annex 1 to Chapter 8 - Exhibition of LSDI comprising expanded format video and  22.2 multichannel audio at the 2005 World Exposition, Aichi, Japan
Part 2 - Large Screen Digital  Imagery (LSDI) Implementations
Chapter 1 - America
 1     Introduction
 2     Theatre
 3     Production
 4     Instant capture and replay
 5     Conclusions
 1     Introduction
 2     LSDI projector
 3     Implementations
        3.1     Alternative programming
                  3.1.1     Distribution of alternative programming through digital networks
                  3.1.2     Emerging Pictures Inc.
                  3.1.3     Broadway Worldwide Inc.
                  3.1.4     INHD network
                  3.1.5     Vyvx Corporation
                  3.1.6     HDNET and HDNET films
                  3.1.7     YES
                  3.1.8     HDVision Studios
                  3.1.9     CineMuse Inc.
                  3.1.10     Kinocast
                  3.1.11     Rain Network
                  3.1.12     Ex‑Centris
                  3.1.13     CBC/Radio-Canada
                  3.1.14     Electronic LSDI festivals
        3.2     Use of LSDI in independent production and distribution
        3.3     HD content production in the broadcast environment
 4     HDTV programmes produced for major television networks with potential for LSDI applications
     HDTV formats distributed by broadcast networks in prime time
     HDTV programming broadcast by cable networks
     HDTV programming distributed by MSOs and DBS
 8     Summary
Chapter 2 - Asia
 1     Introduction
 2     LSDI implementation and application in Japan
        2.1     Activities of theatre companies related to LSDI in Japan
                  2.1.1     T JOY
                  2.1.2     Other cinema chains
        2.2     LSDI alternative content in Japan
                  2.2.1      Live concert “Dear Beatles 2003
                  2.2.2     Curtain speech at the preview party
                  2.2.3     Stage play
        2.3     Theatre’s comment on LSDI
 3     Voluntary organizations related to 4k format digital cinema in Japan
        3.1     Objectives
        3.2     Activities
     Future development of LSDI application
 4     LSDI implementation in Asia
 5     LSDI implementation and application in Singapore
        5.1     Key developments of LSDI in Singapore
                  5.1.1     First “live” alternative content transmission in September 2003
                  5.1.2     Cross-border digital distribution of Infernal Affairs III in December 2003
                  5.1.3     World’s first 2k-digital multiplex deployment in March 2004
                  5.1.4     Digital subtitling and watermarking capability
                  5.1.5     Cross-Continent Digital Content Transmission (CCTx project)
        5.2     Alternative content in Singapore
 6     LSDI in India and China
        6.1     India [1], [2]
        6.2     China
 7     Summary
Chapter 3 - Europe
        1.1     List of projects and their implementation in Europe
                  1.1.1     Arcadia (Italy)
                  1.1.2     CityScreens (UK)
                  1.1.3     Digital Cinema European Network  (DCEN) – European project
                  1.1.4     CinemaNet (former EuroDocuZone)
                  1.1.5     E-Screen (European project)
                  1.1.6     Euro1080
                  1.1.7     Folkets Hus och Parker – Digitala Hus (Sweden)
                  1.1.8     Kinepolis (Belgium)
                  1.1.9     Novocine (France)
                  1.1.10     Orpheus (European project)
                  1.1.11     UK Film Council – Digital Screen Network (UK) Art Alliance
                  1.1.12     XDC EVS (Belgium)
                  1.1.13     I-DIFF