1     Introduction
2     User requirements
        2.1     Types of receiving terminals
        2.2     Types of usage scenarios
        2.3     Service requirements from ISDB family use cases
        2.4     Service requirements for DVB-H use cases
                  2.4.1     The Electronic Service Guide (ESG)
                  2.4.2     Mobile TV
                  2.4.3     Enhanced mobile TV
                  2.4.4     Scheduled download of audiovisual content or executable software modules
                  2.4.5     Service purchase, service access and content protection
                  2.4.6     Roaming
                  2.4.7     Interference free reception in the mobile environment
                  2.4.8     Long battery lives
                  2.4.9     Implementation of interactivity
        2.5     Service requirements for T-DMB use cases
                  2.5.1     General requirements
                  2.5.2     Video objects
                  2.5.3     Audio objects associated with the video
                  2.5.4     Auxiliary data (optional)
        2.6     Service requirements for Forward Link Only (FLO) use cases
3     Types of mobile receivers
        3.1     Nomadic receivers
        3.2     Pedestrian receivers
        3.3     Vehicular receivers
        3.4     Vehicular reception using nomadic and pedestrian receivers
        3.5     An example of enhanced handheld receivers
4     System characteristics and network planning aspects
        4.1     Distribution network
        4.2     Some network planning and radio frequency aspects
                  4.2.1     The RRC planning area (Region 1 and some part of Region 3)
                  4.2.2     Region 2
        4.3     Receiver characteristics
        4.4     Content manipulation and distribution
        4.5     Managing mobility
        4.6     Error characteristics
        4.7     Interoperability between mobile telecommunication services and digital broadcasting services
5     Transmission mechanisms for broadcasting of multimedia and data applications for mobile reception
        5.1     ARIB STD-B24
                  5.1.1     Current multimedia and data transmission system
                  5.1.2     Experimental data transmission mechanisms for mobile reception
                          The carousel mechanism
        5.2     IPDC/DVB-H
                  5.2.1     IP as a content bearer for the broadcasted data
                  5.2.2     Content formats
        5.3     Transmission mechanisms of T-DMB
                  5.3.1     System architecture
                  5.3.2     Video service transmission architecture
                  5.3.3     Video multiplexer architecture
                  5.3.4     Transport stream specification
                  5.3.5     Error protection
                  5.3.6     Content formats
                  5.3.7     Scene description specification
                  5.3.8     Graphics data specification
        5.4     Transmission mechanisms of FLO
6     Display patterns on mobile receivers
7     Conclusion
Appendix 1  Launching of digital terrestrial sound broadcasting services in Japan
Appendix 2  Experiments of terrestrial digital multimedia broadcasting services in Korea
1     Introduction
2     Test trial
3     T-DMB receivers
Appendix 3  The DVB-H Standard EN 302 304: Technology highlights and trials systems
1     The DVB-H standard for delivery and reception of content to handheld/mobile terminals
2     Overview of the DVB-H delivery mechanism
        2.1     The DVB-H PHY and link layer
        2.2     The end-to-end system topology
3     Schematic picture of IP datacast over DVB-H system and the application of the mobile phone interaction path
        3.1     IP datacast over DVB-H trials and piloting
4     References
Appendix 4  Forward Link Only
1     Abstract
2     Introduction
3     FLO system architecture
        3.1     Network Operation Centre
        3.2     FLO transmitters
        3.3     IMT‑2000 network
        3.4     FLO‑enabled devices
4     FLO system overview
        4.1     Content acquisition and distribution
        4.2     Multimedia and data applications services
        4.3     Power consumption optimization
        4.4     Wide and local area content
        4.5     Layered modulation
5     FLO air interface
        5.1     Protocol reference model
                  5.1.1     Key features of upper layers
                  5.1.2     Key features of stream layer
                  5.1.3     Key features of Medium Access Control (MAC) layer
                  5.1.4     Key features of physical layer
        5.2     FLO air interface fundamentals
                  5.2.1     OFDM modulation
                  5.2.2     Physical layer characteristics
                  5.2.3     Error correction and coding techniques
                  5.2.4     Bandwidth requirements
                  5.2.5     Transport mechanisms
6     Candidate frequency bands
7     Conclusion
Appendix 5  Digital mobile narrowband multimedia broadcasting system AVIS  (audiovisual information system)
1     Abstract
2     Main facilities
3     Technical aspects of AVIS
        3.1     Audio and video codecs
        3.2     Content
        3.3     Channel coding
        3.4     Spatial scalability
        3.5     Frequency channel bandwidth requirements
        3.6     Network architecture
        3.7     Testing
        3.8     Simulation
Appendix 6  Implementation of interactivity
Appendix 7  Acronyms