Policy on Intellectual Property Right (IPR)
 1     Introduction
 2     5.1 multichannel sound system
 3     Basic requirements of multichannel sound systems beyond the 5.1 sound system
        3.1     Basic requirements of the sound image
        3.2     Basic requirement of sensation of a spatial impression
        3.3     Basic requirement of listening area
        3.4     Basic requirement of compatibility with existing sound systems
        3.5     Basic requirement of live broadcasting
 4     Multichannel sound systems beyond the 5.1 sound system under development for broadcasting applications
        4.1     22.2 multichannel sound system
        4.2     10.2 surround sound system (Type A)
                  4.2.1     Background
                  4.2.2     Highlights
                  4.2.3     The loudspeaker channel layout
                  4.2.4     Standardization
        4.3     10.2 channel sound system (Type B)
                  4.3.1     Background
                  4.3.2     The loudspeaker channel layout
                  4.3.3     Recommended arrangement of 10.2 channel
        4.4     Wave-field-synthesis
                  4.4.1     Object-based multichannel audio system
        4.5     Object-based audio formats
                  4.5.1     Rendering and reproduction of object-based audio
 5     Multichannel sound systems in use for home audio release media
        5.1     DVD audio
        5.2     SACD
        5.3     BD
 6     Multichannel sound programme production in studio for home audio
        6.1     Production of 5.1, 6.1 and 7.1 channels
        6.2     Production of 22.2 multichannel sound
                  6.2.1     Principles of three-dimensional sound mixing
Top layer
Middle layer
Bottom layer
                  6.2.2     22.2 multichannel sound post-production system
                  6.2.3     Examples of three-dimensional sound live mixing
        6.3     Production of 10.2 multichannel sound (Type A)
        6.4     Object-based post-production system
 7     Quality performance of the multichannel sound systems
        7.1     22.2 multichannel sound system
        7.2     10.2 channel sound system (Type B)
                  7.2.1     Evaluation of directional audio quality
                  7.2.2      Evaluation of overall audio quality
 8     Relevant documents concerning the multichannel sound systems developed by organizations outside ITU
        8.1     SMPTE
                  8.1.1     SMPTE 2036-2-2008, “Ultra High Definition Television – Audio characteristics and audio channel mapping for programme production”
        8.2     IEC
                  8.2.1     IEC 62574 “Audio, video and multimedia systems – General channel assignment of multichannel audio”
        8.3     MPEG (ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG 11)
                  8.3.1     MPEG-2 AAC (ISO/IEC 13818-7)
        8.4     EBU
                  8.4.1     EBU TECH 3306-2007, “RF64: An extended File Format for Audio”
        8.5     Japan
                  8.5.1     Advancement of satellite digital broadcasting
Attachment 1  Elevation perception of phantom sound images in the frontal hemisphere
 1     System configuration for subjective evaluation experiments
 2     Subjective evaluation experiments
        2.1     Preliminary subjective evaluation
        2.2     Elevation perception of phantom sound images in the frontal direction (medial plane)
        2.3     Elevation perception of phantom images in the frontal side direction
 3     Conclusion
Attachment 2  Sensation of listener’s envelopment in an upper hemispherical sound field
 1     System configuration for subjective evaluation experiments
 2     Subjective evaluation experiment [1]
Attachment 3  Localization of phantom sound images in the elevation direction  in an upper hemispherical sound field
 1     System configuration for subjective evaluation experiments
 2     Previous studies of directional perception of phantom sound images in the horizontal plane (middle layer)
 3     Subjective listening test method
 4     Directional perception of phantom sound images in the upper plane (top layer)
 5     Outline