1.     Introduction
2.     Service and system requirements
        2.1     Sound quality levels
        2.2     Sound control signals
        2.3     Service configurations
        2.4     Service delivery
        2.5     Service information
        2.6     Interface
        2.7     Service availability
        2.8     Spectrum efficiency
        2.9     Complexity
3.     System design considerations
        3.1     Channel characteristics
        3.2     Basic system characteristics
                  3.2.1     Modulation and channel coding
                  3.2.2     Source coding
4.     Terrestrial digital sound broadcasting planning
        4.1      Frequency planning aspects
        4.2     Appropriate frequency bands
                  4.2.1     Possible frequency bands from a technical point of view
                  4.2.2     Frequency bands currently allocated to other services
                  4.2.3     Frequency bands allocated to broadcasting
        4.3     System bandwidth

        4.4     Transmission system  considerations
                  4.4.1     Polarization
                  4.4.2     Receiving antenna
                  4.4.3     Minimum usable field strength
                  4.4.4     Propagation
                  4.4.5     Link budget
        4.5     Sharing considerations for planning
                  4.5.1     Intra service
                  4.5.2     Inter service
Required geographical separations between DSB and point-to-multipoint
        4.6     Network and coverage concepts
                  4.6.1      Conventional networks
                  4.6.2     Synchronized single frequency network (SFN)
                  4.6.3     Non-synchronized single frequency network
Annex 1-A
Digital audio broadcasting (DAB) system description (Digital System A)
1.     Introduction
2.     Use of a layered model
3.     Application layer
        3.1     Facilities offered by the System
        3.2     Audio quality
        3.3     Transmission modes
4.     Presentation layer
        4.1     Audio source encoding
        4.2     Audio decoding
        4.3     Audio presentation
        4.4     Presentation of Service Information
5.     Session layer
        5.1     Programme selection
        5.2     Conditional access
6.     Transport layer
        6.1     Programme services
        6.2     Main service multiplex
        6.3     Ancillary data
        6.4     Association of data
7.     Network layer
        7.1     ISO audio frames
8.     Data link layer
        8.1     The transmission frame
9.     The physical layer
        9.1     Energy dispersal
        9.2     Convolutional encoding
        9.3     Time interleaving
        9.4     Frequency interleaving
        9.5     Modulation by 4‑DPSK OFDM
        9.6     Spectrum of the RF‑signal
System experimental evaluations (Digital System A)
1.     Initial experiments
        1.1     Rennes and Geneva - 1988
        1.2     South of London and Paris - 1991
        1.3     Ottawa, Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver - 1990
        1.4     Las Vegas, Birmingham, Berlin and San Francisco - 1991
2.     Later experiments
        2.1     Joint EBU/Eureka 147 Digital System A evaluation ad hoc Group tests
                  2.1.1     Field tests of the system
                      2.1.2.     RF performance characteristics of Digital System A
        2.2     Current experiments
                  2.2.1     Propagation/coverage testing in Trois Rivières - Canada
                  2.2.2     SFN field measurements in Montreal - Canada
                  2.2.3     VHF Paris Digital System A network
Signal features; network description
Transmitting sites
                  2.2.4     Digital System A field trials at 1.5 GHz in Rennes and Paris
System parameters
Transmitting parameters
Paris experiment
Signal features
Transmitting site
Further studies
                  2.2.5     High powered field trials in London
Applicable propagation/channel characteristics and related experimental results
1.     Broadcast channel model

2.     Experimental results in the 1 452 - 1 492 MHz band for digital sound broadcasting
        2.1     Results of field measurements in Canada
                  2.1.1     Effect of channel bandwidth

                  2.1.2     Results of coverage measurements
                  2.1.3     Results of indoor reception measurements
                  2.1.4     Comparisons with propagation models

                  2.1.5     SFN field trials at 1 452-1 492 MHz
                  2.1.6     Recent wideband channel characterization measurements at 1.5 GHz
        2.2     Results of field measurements in Europe
                  2.2.1     Introduction
                  2.2.2     System and transmitting parameters
                  2.2.3     Measurements methods
                  2.2.4     Processing methods
                  2.2.5     Results
                  2.2.6     Conclusions
3.       Experimental results below 1 000 MHz
        3.1     General
        3.2     Variations of field strength with location
                  3.2.1     Comparisons between standard deviations of field strength for CW signals and T‑DSB signals with a band width of 1.75 MHz
                  3.2.2     Comparisons between DSB signals of different bandwidths in different types of  environment
                  3.2.3     Comparisons between location variations in Bands I and III
                  3.2.4     The effect of multiple sources on signal levels
        3.3     Implications of man‑made noise on minimum usable field strength
        3.4     Measurements of building penetration losses at 211 MHz and 64 MHz
Computer simulations of coverage concepts
1.     Computer program for synthesis and prediction of DSB coverage
2.     Non-synchronized SFN DSB coverage simulations at 1.5 GHz
1.     System parameters
2.     Receiver parameters
3.     Transmitter parameters
3.     Synchronized SFN computer simulations at 1.5 GHz
4.     Computer simulation results and discussion: minimum ERP vs. transmitter spacing
5.     Conclusion
annex 1-e
Computer simulations of system performance (Digital System A)
1.     Introduction
2.     Computer simulation model
        2.1     General model
        2.2     Mobile terrestrial channel model
        2.3     Limitations of the simulations
3.     Simulation results and discussion
        3.1     Time interleaving depth
        3.2     Soft decision quantization levels

        3.3     Convolutional code constraint length
4.     Conclusions
In-band on channel (IBOC) digital sound broadcasting systems description
1.     Introduction
2.     IBOC implementation of DSB
3.     Description of systems
        3.1     FM system
        3.2     AM systems
4.     Conclusion