Final report
Table of Contents
List of Tables, Figures and Boxes
     Table 1: Requirements for characteristics of the Smart Society
     Table 2: Links installed according to type of road
     Table 1A: Target audience
     Figure 1: Pillars and components of the Smart Society
     Figure 2: Policy goals of SMART education
     Figure 3: Major tasks for SMART education
     Figure 4: Smart class and education in UAE
     Figure 5: M-KOPA system
     Figure 6: e-Soko
     Figure 7: ATM water dispenser
     Figure 8: GLOF early warning station
     Figure 9: The structure of m-commerce and distinguishing features of different m-commerce systems
     Figure 10: The algorithm process of intelligent front-end intelligent transportation system
     Figure 1A: Energy relations in the Smart Society
     Box 1: Enterprise related articles in e-Government Act of the Republic of Korea
     Box 2: Transforming public service delivery through creation of Huduma Centers in Kenya
     Box 3: Case study on municipal-level Internet public legal service platform in the People’s Republic of China
     Box 4: Arab Regional Initiative on Smart Learning
     Box 5: Case study – SMART education in the Republic of Korea
     Box 6: Case study – Smart learning program in United Arabs Emirates
     Box 7: Case study – Mobile money in Kenya as a catalyst for commerce and development
     Box 8: Case study – Digital Financial Services using post offices in Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation
Executive Summary
     i.	Introduction
     ii.	Objectives
     iii.	Methodology
1	CHAPTER 1 – What is a Smart Society?
     1.1	Scope and service of a Smart Society
     1.2	Characteristics of the Smart Society
     1.3	Smart Society and sustainable development
2	CHAPTER 2 – Foundational principles for ICT to create the Smart Society
     2.1	Situational analysis
     2.2	ICT resource management and efficiency
     2.3	Information management and sharing towards data openness
     2.4	Paradigm shift to user-centric strategies
     2.5	Internet of Things
     2.6	Reduce rural-urban digital gaps
          2.6.1	Digital divide
          2.6.2	Constraints highlighting the digital divide between rural and urban areas
          2.6.3	Strategies for reducing the digital divide between urban and rural areas
          2.6.4	Implementation of a project in support of digital inclusion
     2.7	Assessing ICT projects in relation to the emergence of the Smart Society
          2.7.1	Development of local human capacity
          2.7.2	Appropriateness of used ICT technology
          2.7.3	Appropriateness of financial burden to society and citizens
          2.7.4	Consideration on diverse needs of social groups
          2.7.5	Measurement and performance of Quality-of-Life indicators 
3	CHAPTER 3 – Use of ICTs, including M2M communications, within Smart Societies
     3.1	ICT applications for smart societies – Case for Smart Cities
     3.2	Health
     3.3	Learning
     3.4	Energy
          3.4.1	Background
          3.4.2	Concept of sustainable energy
          3.4.3	Example of sustainable energy
     3.5	Agriculture
     3.6	Resource management – water and waste
          3.6.1	Background of smart environmental resource management
          3.6.2	Concept of smart environmental resource management
          3.6.3	Examples of smart environmental resource management
     3.7	Commerce
          3.7.1	Role of ICT platforms on financial inclusion and smart commerce
     3.8	Smart transport networks and road safety (domestic and cross-border) 
          3.8.1	Definition of smart transport networks
          3.8.2	ITS development in developing countries
          3.8.3	Which ITS applications and experiences in developing countries?
          3.8.4	Economic and financial aspects of ITS investment
4	CHAPTER 4 – Challenges and way forward for achieving a Smart Society in developing countries
     4.1	ICT policy and regulation
     4.2	Budgets
     4.3	Standardization
     4.4	Human capital
     4.5	Sustainability
Abbreviations and acronyms
Annex 1: List of the Rapporteurs and BDT focal points
Annex 2: Mandate and objectives of the Question
Annex 3: Sample of case studies
Annex 4: List of contributions and information documents
Annex 5: List of liaison statements