Trends in Economics and Finance – Use of Economic Modelling in Telecommunications –
Volume II
List of Acronyms
Chapter 1: Economic modelling: An introduction
    1.1 Economic theory and modelling
    1.2 The uses of economic modelling
    1.3 Anatomy of a model
    1.4 Classes of models
    1.5 The application of modelling in telecommunications
    1.6 Conclusions
Chapter 2: The use of economic modelling: Survey results
    2.1 Respondents
    2.2 Types of modelling
    2.3 Software used
    2.4 The benefits and challenges of modelling
    2.5 Conclusions
Chapter 3: Case Studies
    Case Study I – Czech Telecom: Service Costing Model
        1 Market context
        2 Objectives and history of the model
            2.1 External audiences
            2.2 Internal audiences
        3 Structure of the model
            3.1 Process cost model
            3.2 Network cost allocation
            3.3 Integration module
        4 Technical implementation of the model
        5 Testing and validating process
        6 Costs and benefits
    Case Study IIa – Australian Competition and Consumer Commission: Monte Carlo Analysis of Weighted Average Cost of Capital
        1 Market context
        2 Objectives of the model
        3 The model
        4 Data sources
        5 Costs and benefits
    Case Study IIb – Australian Competition and Consumer Commission: ADSL Margin Squeeze Model
        1 Market context
        2 Legal context
        3 Objective of the model
        4 Structure and development of the model
        5 Costs and benefits
    Case Study III – France Telecom: Capacity Forecasting under Uncertainty
        1 Market context
        2 Forecasting the demand for copper
        3 Model development
        4 General lessons from FT modelling
    Case Study IV – Comisión de Regulación de Telecomunicaciones, Colombia: Market Overviews
        1 Market context
        2 CRT models
            2.1 Core fixed line LRIC cost model
            2.2 Econometric demand models
            2.3 Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) model
        3 General lessons from CRT modelling
Annex A – Annotated Bibliography
Annex B – Questionnaire