High-Level Segment (HLS) of Council 2008

Geneva, 12-13 November 2008

Statement Mr. Sami Al Basheer Al Morshid, Director of the ITU Telecommunication Development Bureau

Session 2: Managing cyberthreats through harmonized policies and organizational structures

With the benefit of each new technology comes its risks. One of the most significant inventions of the early 20thCentury, the motor car, brought prosperity and at the same time road accidents and air pollultion. To this day we are still reaping the benefits of the motor car yet we are still developing new ways to manage the associated risks. The impact of the invention of the internet has been extraordinary and, of course, global. While we all stand to benefit from today’s information society, cyberthreats affect us globally and pose a problem for Government, Private Sector and Civil Society alike. To tackle these threats we need harmonized policies on a global level. If the ITU exists today it is because of the need for harmonized policies at an international level for a technology that was new in 1844: the telegraph!

Today ITU has its Global Cybersecurity Agenda (GCA) as a framework for international cooperation, seeking to encourage collaboration amongst all relevant partners and build confidence and security in the use of ICTs. Within this framework ITU-D is working with its Members to establish best practices on a national level and help to implement policies that will allow people everywhere to benefit from the Information Society in a secure environment. In particular, we need to ensure that the most vulnerable members of society, such as children, are protected.

This session is looking at managing cyberthreats through harmonized policies and organizational structures and to discuss these issues we have with us five distinguished speakers:

H.E. Mr. Ivailo Kalfin is currently Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria. He is a leader and founder of the Social Democrats Political Movement and has extensive experience in politics, both in his present role and previously as Deputy Chairman of the Bulgaria/EU Joint Parliamentary Committee. He is also active in the academic field, as Senior Professor at the International University of Sofia and author of various publications on economic issues.

H.E. Dr. Benjamin Aggrey Ntim is the Minister of Communications of Ghana. He is an engineer by profession and has a long experience in Telecommunications, both in his present role as Minister and before that as Deputy Minister of Communications. He also served as the coordinating Minister for the privatization of Ghana Telecom and is the first Chairman of the Council of Ghana Telecom University College.

H.E. Mr. Elhadj Gley is the Minister of Communication Technologies of Tunisia. An Economist by background, he has extensive political experience having been Director General at the Ministry of National Economy and Principal Secretary of the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications. He is also Chairman & CEO of the Tunisian Post Company.

Dr. Halim Shafie is currently the Chairman of the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission. Further to a broad academic training, he has had a long career in the Civil Service, notably in the Ministry of Education, the National Institute of Public Administration and in the Prime Minister’s Department. He has also been Deputy Secretary of the Communications and Multimedia Sector as well as Secretary General for the Ministry of Energy, Water and Communications.

Mr. Sandro Calvani is Director of the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI). He has significant experience across a wide range of criminal and social issues, particularly in the fields of drug control and crime prevention. Mr. Calvani founded and was the first Executive Director of the World Health Organization Pan-African Centre for Disaster Reduction based in Ethiopia, Addis Ababa. He is the author of many books and articles on sustainable development, narcotics trafficking and transnational organized crime.